Universidad de Antofagasta - Antofagasta - Chile
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Daily global solar radiation estimation in desert areas using daily extreme temperatures and extraterrestrial radiation
A Marzo, M Trigo-Gonzalez, J Alonso-Montesinos, M Martínez-Durbán, ...
Renewable Energy 113, 303-311, 2017
Multi-objective optimal design of lithium-ion battery packs based on evolutionary algorithms
B Severino, F Gana, R Palma-Behnke, PA Estévez, WR Calderón-Munoz, ...
Journal of Power Sources 267, 288-299, 2014
Corrosion properties of a ternary nitrate/nitrite molten salt in concentrated solar technology
AG Fernández, M Cortes, E Fuentealba, FJ Pérez
Renewable Energy 80, 177-183, 2015
A fractal time thermal model for predicting the surface temperature of air-cooled cylindrical Li-ion cells based on experimental measurements
J Reyes-Marambio, F Moser, F Gana, B Severino, WR Calderón-Muñoz, ...
Journal of Power Sources 306, 636-645, 2016
Hourly PV production estimation by means of an exportable multiple linear regression model
M Trigo-González, FJ Batlles, J Alonso-Montesinos, P Ferrada, ...
Renewable energy 135, 303-312, 2019
Transmission network expansion planning by a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
M Cortes-Carmona, R Palma-Behnke, O Moya
2009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to …, 2009
Fuzzy arithmetic for the DC load flow
M Cortés-Carmona, R Palma-Behnke, G Jiménez-Estévez
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 206-214, 2009
Modelling network constrained economic dispatch problems
R Palma-Benhke, A Philpott, A Jofré, M Cortés-Carmona
Optimization and Engineering 14, 417-430, 2013
Information-theoretic measures and sequential monte carlo methods for detection of regeneration phenomena in the degradation of lithium-ion battery cells
ME Orchard, MS Lacalle, BE Olivares, JF Silva, R Palma-Behnke, ...
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 64 (2), 701-709, 2015
GA-based approach to optimize an equivalent electric circuit model of a Li-ion battery-pack
V Pizarro-Carmona, S Castano-Solís, M Cortés-Carmona, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 172, 114647, 2021
Assessment of the impact of financial and fiscal incentives for the development of utility-scale solar energy projects in northern Chile
MC J. F. Servert, E. Cerrajero, E. Fuentealba
Energy Procedia 49, 1885-1895, 2014
Evaluation of incentive mechanism for distributed generation in Northern Chile
T Varas, MC Carmona, P Ferrada, E Fuentealba, G Lefranc, M Crutchik
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (6), 2719-2725, 2016
Photovoltaic power electricity generation nowcasting combining sky camera images and learning supervised algorithms in the Southern Spain
M Trigo-González, M Cortés-Carmona, A Marzo, J Alonso-Montesinos, ...
Renewable Energy 206, 251-262, 2023
Quality Function Deployment analysis for the selection of four utility-scale solar energy projects in northern Chile
RP J. F. Servert, A. Labanda, E. Fuentealba, M. Cortés
Energy Procedia 49, 1896-1905, 2014
Development and comparison of PV production estimation models for mc-Si technologies in Chile and Spain
M Trigo-Gonzalez, M Cortés, J Alonso-Montesinos, M Martínez-Durbán, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 281, 125360, 2021
An Optimized Impedance Model for the Estimation of the State-of-Charge of a Li-Ion Cell: The Case of a LiFePO4 (ANR26650)
V Pizarro-Carmona, M Cortés-Carmona, R Palma-Behnke, ...
energies 12 (4), 681, 2019
Support vector machines for on-line security analysis of power systems
M Cortés-Carmona, G Jiménez-Estévez, J Guevara-Cedeño
2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin …, 2008
Fuzzy load-shedding strategy in distribution systems
V Calderaro, V Galdi, M Cortes-Carmona, R Palma-Behnke
2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2011
Power flow algorithm for analysis of distribution networks including distributed generation
M Cortés-Carmona, J Vega, M Cortés-Olivares
2018 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition-Latin …, 2018
Cellular Automata Modeling as a Tool in Corrosion Management
JC Reinoso-Burrows, N Toro, M Cortés-Carmona, F Pineda, M Henriquez, ...
Materials 16 (17), 6051, 2023
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