Ralf Terlutter
Ralf Terlutter
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The gamification of advertising: analysis and research directions of in-game advertising, advergames, and advertising in social network games
R Terlutter, ML Capella
Journal of advertising 42 (2-3), 95-112, 2013
Gender differences in searching for health information on the internet and the virtual patient-physician relationship in Germany: exploratory results on how men and women …
S Bidmon, R Terlutter
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (6), e156, 2015
Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Aspekte der Kundenbindung
P Weinberg, R Terlutter
Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement 5, 41-65, 2005
Consumers' response to offensive advertising: a cross cultural study
K Chan, L Li, S Diehl, R Terlutter
International marketing review 24 (5), 606-628, 2007
Talking about CSR matters: Employees’ perception of and reaction to their company’s CSR communication in four different CSR domains
SD Schaefer, R Terlutter, S Diehl
Leveraged Marketing Communications, 186-207, 2021
Benefits and stressors–Perceived effects of ICT use on employee health and work stress: An exploratory study from Austria and Hong Kong
K Ninaus, S Diehl, R Terlutter, K Chan, A Huang
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being 10 (1 …, 2015
The same video game in 2D, 3D or virtual reality–How does technology impact game evaluation and brand placements?
J Roettl, R Terlutter
PloS one 13 (7), e0200724, 2018
Online CSR communication in the hotel industry: Evidence from small hotels
A Ettinger, S Grabner-Kräuter, R Terlutter
International Journal of Hospitality Management 68, 94-104, 2018
Entertainment matters! The relationship between challenge and persuasiveness of an advergame for children
MKJ Waiguny, MR Nelson, R Terlutter
Journal of Marketing Communications 18 (1), 69-89, 2012
Employee perceptions of information and communication technologies in work life, perceived burnout, job satisfaction and the role of work-family balance
K Ninaus, S Diehl, R Terlutter
Journal of Business Research 136, 652-666, 2021
Who uses physician-rating websites? Differences in sociodemographic variables, psychographic variables, and health status of users and nonusers of physician-rating websites
R Terlutter, S Bidmon, J Röttl
Journal of medical Internet research 16 (3), e97, 2014
The relationship of persuasion knowledge, identification of commercial intent and persuasion outcomes in advergames—the role of media context and presence
MKJ Waiguny, MR Nelson, R Terlutter
Journal of Consumer Policy 37, 257-277, 2014
Women satisfaction with cosmetic brands: The role of dissatisfaction and hedonic brand benefits
V Apaolaza-Ibáñez, P Hartmann, S Diehl, R Terlutter
African Journal of Business Management 5 (3), 792, 2011
Doing good matters to consumers: The effectiveness of humane-oriented CSR appeals in cross-cultural standardized advertising campaigns
S Diehl, R Terlutter, B Mueller
International Journal of Advertising 35 (4), 730-757, 2016
The GLOBE study—applicability of a new typology of cultural dimensions for cross-cultural marketing and advertising research
R Terlutter, S Diehl, B Mueller
International advertising and communication: Current insights and empirical …, 2006
Is my company really doing good? Factors influencing employees' evaluation of the authenticity of their company's corporate social responsibility engagement
SD Schaefer, R Terlutter, S Diehl
Journal of business research 101, 128-143, 2019
The cultural dimension of assertiveness in cross-cultural advertising: The perception and evaluation of assertive advertising appeals
R Terlutter, S Diehl, B Mueller
International Journal of Advertising 29 (3), 369-399, 2010
Consumer responses towards non-prescription and prescription drug advertising in the US and Germany: They don’t really like it, but they do believe it
S Diehl, B Mueller, R Terlutter
International Journal of Advertising 27 (1), 99-131, 2008
Your personal motivator is with you: a systematic review of mobile phone applications aiming at increasing physical activity
M Hosseinpour, R Terlutter
Sports Medicine 49, 1425-1447, 2019
Motivate me to exercise with you: The effects of social media fitness influencers on users’ intentions to engage in physical activity and the role of user gender
J Durau, S Diehl, R Terlutter
Digital Health 8, 20552076221102769, 2022
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Articles 1–20