Mathilde Mercuzot
Mathilde Mercuzot
Bordeaux INP - ENSEGID
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Cited by
Carbon-isotope events during the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) on the African and European margins of the NW Tethyan Realm
M Mercuzot, P Pellenard, C Durlet, C Bougeault, C Meister, ...
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41-69, 2020
Sedimentology and U-Pb dating of Carboniferous to Permian continental series of the northern Massif Central (France): Local palaeogeographic evolution and larger scale correlations
C Ducassou, M Mercuzot, S Bourquin, C Rossignol, P Pellenard, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 533, 109228, 2019
Biotic–abiotic influences on modern Ca–Si-rich hydrothermal spring mounds of the pastos grandes volcanic Caldera (Bolivia)
C Bougeault, E Vennin, C Durlet, E Muller, M Mercuzot, M Chavez, ...
Minerals 9 (6), 380, 2019
Reconsidering Carboniferous–Permian continental paleoenvironments in eastern equatorial Pangea: facies and sequence stratigraphy investigations in the Autun Basin (France)
M Mercuzot, S Bourquin, P Pellenard, L Beccaletto, J Schnyder, F Baudin, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022
Million-year-scale alternation of warm–humid and semi-arid periods as a mid-latitude climate mode in the Early Jurassic (late Sinemurian, Laurasian Seaway)
T Munier, JF Deconinck, P Pellenard, SP Hesselbo, JB Riding, ...
Climate of the Past 17 (4), 1547-1566, 2021
Palaeoenvironmental reconstitutions at the Carboniferous–Permian transition south of the Paris Basin, France: implications on the stratigraphic evolution and basin geometry
M Mercuzot, S Bourquin, L Beccaletto, C Ducassou, R Rubi, P Pellenard
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110, 9-33, 2021
Carbon and nitrogen cycle dynamic in continental late-Carboniferous to early Permian basins of eastern Pangea (northeastern Massif Central, France)
M Mercuzot, C Thomazo, J Schnyder, P Pellenard, F Baudin, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 705351, 2021
Insights on the Permian tuff beds from the Saint-Affrique Basin (Massif Central, France): An integrated geochemical and geochronological study
M Poujol, M Mercuzot, M Lopez, S Bourquin, O Bruguier, E Hallot, ...
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2022
Reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques en contexte tardi-orogénique: cas des bassins fini-carbonifères à permiens du nord-est du Massif central, France
M Mercuzot
Université Rennes 1, 2020
Report on ICDP Deep Dust workshops: probing continental climate of the late Paleozoic icehouse–greenhouse transition and beyond
GS Soreghan, L Beccaletto, KC Benison, S Bourquin, G Feulner, ...
Scientific Drilling 28, 93-112, 2020
U–Pb age constraints on the Carboniferous-Permian transition in continental basins of eastern equatorial Pangaea (France): implications for the depositional history and …
M Mercuzot, C Rossignol, S Bourquin, J Ramezani, C Ducassou, ...
Journal of the Geological Society, jgs2023-075, 2023
Caractérisation pétro-géochimique et datation U/Pb du volcanisme contemporain des bassins d’âge fini-Carbonifère à Permien du Nord du Massif Central
C Ducassou, S Bourquin, P Pellenard, L Beccaletto, M Mercuzot, ...
26ème Réunion des Sciences de la terre-RST, 9, 2018
Long-term lacustrine paleo-productivity and/or paleo-anoxia trends controlled by eccentricity cycles in the continental Autun Basin (France) at the Carboniferous/Permian boundary
J Schnyder, M Martinez, F Baudin, M Mercuzot, P Pellenard, C Thomazo, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19962, 2020
Reconstitutions environnementales et climatiques multiproxis des paléo-systèmes lacustres des bassins fini-paléozoïques du NE du Massif central
M Mercuzot, S Bourquin, L Beccaletto, P Pellenard, E Vennin
ASF 2022-XVIIIème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, 2022
U-Pb age constraints on Carboniferous-Permian French continental basins-implications for their depositional history and correlations with European basins
M Mercuzot, C Rossignol, S Bourquin, J Ramezani, C Ducassou, ...
CONGRESSO SGI-SIMP 2022, 1026, 2022
Comptes Rendus Géoscience
M Poujol, M Mercuzot, M Lopez, S Bourquin, O Bruguier, E Hallot, ...
Étude paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique multiproxies des bassins fini-carbonifères à permiens du NE du Massif central.
M Mercuzot, P Pellenard, S Bourquin, C Thomazo, M Martínez, ...
27 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre (RST 2021), 608, 2021
Un nouveau modèle d'âge pour l'Autunien du bassin d'Autun à partir de datations U-Pb sur des tonsteins
P Pellenard, M Mercuzot, G Gand, M Schmitz, C Ducassou, S Bourquin, ...
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 2021
Evolution climatique au Jurassique inférieur (Sinémurien supérieur) de la zone Nord-Ouest européenne, déduit de la minéralogie des argiles et des isotopes du carbone
T Munier, JF Deconinck, P Pellenard, SP Hesselbo, JB Riding, ...
27 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre (RST 2021), 597, 2021
Reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales des bassins finicarbonifères à permiens en contexte tardi-orogénique (NE du Massif central): implications paléogéographiques et géodynamiques
M Mercuzot, S Bourquin, L Beccaletto, P Pellenard, C Ducassou, R Rubi, ...
27 ème Réunion des sciences de la Terre (RST 2021), 227, 2021
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Articles 1–20