Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma
Swiss Cluster and Empa Switzerland
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Nickel nanoparticles set a new record of strength
A Sharma, J Hickman, N Gazit, E Rabkin, Y Mishin
Nature communications 9 (1), 4102, 2018
On the high temperature coarsening kinetics of γ′ precipitates in a high strength Co37. 6Ni35. 4Al9. 9Mo4. 9Cr5. 9Ta2. 8Ti3. 5 fcc-based high entropy alloy
P Pandey, S Kashyap, D Palanisamy, A Sharma, K Chattopadhyay
Acta Materialia 177, 82-95, 2019
Elemental site occupancy in the L12 A3B ordered intermetallic phase in Co-based superalloys and its influence on the microstructure
P Pandey, SK Makineni, A Samanta, A Sharma, SM Das, B Nithin, ...
Acta Materialia 163, 140-153, 2019
Effect of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the evolution of texture, microstructure and mechanical properties in the Al-Cu-Li alloy AA2195
M Suresh, A Sharma, AM More, R Kalsar, A Bisht, N Nayan, S Suwas
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 785, 972-983, 2019
Effect of Scandium addition on evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of thermo-mechanically processed Al-Li alloy AA2195
M Suresh, A Sharma, AM More, N Nayan, S Suwas
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740, 364-374, 2018
{101¯ 2} twinning mechanism during in situ micro-tensile loading of pure Mg: Role of basal slip and twin-twin interactions
NM Della Ventura, S Kalácska, D Casari, TEJ Edwards, A Sharma, ...
Materials & Design 197, 109206, 2021
Micromechanical response of pure magnesium at different strain rate and temperature conditions: twin to slip and slip to twin transitions
NM della Ventura, P Schweizer, A Sharma, M Jain, TEJ Edwards, ...
Acta Materialia 243, 118528, 2023
Giant shape-and size-dependent compressive strength of molybdenum nano-and microparticles
A Sharma, R Kositski, O Kovalenko, D Mordehai, E Rabkin
Acta Materialia 198, 72-84, 2020
Whiskers growth in thin passivated Au films
A Kosinova, D Wang, P Schaaf, A Sharma, L Klinger, E Rabkin
Acta Materialia 149, 154-163, 2018
Thermoelectric properties of In and I doped PbTe
A Bali, R Chetty, A Sharma, G Rogl, P Heinrich, S Suwas, DK Misra, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (17), 2016
Correlation between crystallographic texture, microstructure and magnetic properties of pulse electrodeposited nanocrystalline Nickel–Cobalt alloys
A Sharma, S Chhangani, R Madhavan, S Suwas
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 434, 68-77, 2017
Improving the crystallinity and texture of oblique-angle-deposited AlN thin films using reactive synchronized HiPIMS
J Patidar, A Sharma, S Zhuk, G Lorenzin, C Cancellieri, MF Sarott, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 468, 129719, 2023
Evolution of deformation twinning mechanisms in magnesium from low to high strain rates
NM della Ventura, A Sharma, S Kalácska, M Jain, TEJ Edwards, C Cayron, ...
Materials & Design 217, 110646, 2022
Effect of Mg content on microstructure, texture and strength of severely equal channel angular pressed aluminium-magnesium alloys
R Kalsar, D Yadav, A Sharma, HG Brokmeier, J May, HW Höppel, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 797, 140088, 2020
Investigations on the effect of substrate temperature on the properties of reactively sputtered zirconium carbide thin films
SS Kumar, A Sharma, GM Rao, S Suwas
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 1020-1028, 2017
Pseudoelasticity of metal nanoparticles is caused by their ultrahigh strength
A Sharma, N Gazit, L Klinger, E Rabkin
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (18), 1807554, 2020
The influence of deposition temperature on the structure, microstructure, morphology and magnetic properties of sputter deposited nickel thin films
A Sharma, S Mohan, S Suwas
Thin Solid Films 619, 91-101, 2016
Relative grain boundary energies in ultrafine grain Ni obtained by high pressure torsion
J Zimmerman, A Sharma, SV Divinski, E Rabkin
Scripta Materialia 182, 90-93, 2020
Atomic scale volume and grain boundary diffusion elucidated by in situ STEM
P Schweizer, A Sharma, L Pethö, E Huszar, LM Vogl, J Michler, X Maeder
Nature Communications 14 (1), 7601, 2023
Shape memory and mechanical properties of a Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy: Effect of crystallographic texture generated during additive manufacturing
CL I. Ferretto, D. Kim, W.J. Lee, E. Hosseini, N.M. della Ventura, A. Sharma ...
Materials & Design 229, 111928, 2023
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Articles 1–20