Lukas Schlogl
Lukas Schlogl
Austrian Foundation for Development Research
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Inequality and the tails: the Palma proposition and ratio
A Cobham, L Schlögl, A Sumner
Global Policy 7 (1), 25-36, 2016
The Austrian Corona Panel Project: monitoring individual and societal dynamics amidst the COVID-19 crisis
B Kittel, S Kritzinger, H Boomgaarden, B Prainsack, JM Eberl, F Kalleitner, ...
European Political Science 20 (2), 318, 2020
Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation
L Schlogl, A Sumner
Palgrave Pivot, Cham, 2020
The rise of the robot reserve army: Automation and the future of economic development, work, and wages in developing countries
L Schlogl, A Sumner
SSRN, 2018
Constructing the ‘Future of Work’: An analysis of the policy discourse
L Schlogl, E Weiss, B Prainsack
New Technology, Work and Employment 36 (3), 307-326, 2021
Austrian Corona Panel Project (SUF edition)
B Kittel, S Kritzinger, H Boomgaarden, B Prainsack, JM Eberl, F Kalleitner, ...
AUSSDA, 2020
Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic
BM Zimmermann, H Wagenaar, K Kieslich, B Prainsack, G Meyers, ...
SSM-Qualitative Research in Health 2, 100158, 2022
After authoritarian technocracy: the space for industrial policy-making in democratic developing countries
L Schlogl, K Kim
Third World Quarterly 44 (9), 1938-1959, 2023
Dolmetschen bei Gerichten und Asylbehörden in Wien für Verfahrensbeteiligte aus afrikanischen Herkunftsländern
W Schicho, G Slezak, M Rienzner, L Schlögl
Forschungsbericht. Wien: Institut für Afrikawissenschaften der Universität …, 2009
Digital activism and the global middle class: Generation hashtag
L Schlogl
Routledge, 2022
How middle class are the ‘emerging middle’or ‘scooter class’ in Indonesia? A household asset approach to social stratification
L Schlogl, A Sumner
Economics and Development Studies Working Papers, 2014
Politikkohärenz durch Kohärenzpolitik
M Obrovsky, L Schlögl
Bedingungen für Policy Coherence for Development in Österreich 1, 2011
Leapfrogging into the unknown: The future of structural change in the developing world
L Schlogl
WIDER Working Paper, 2020
Inequality and the tails: the Palma proposition and ratio. Global Policy, 7 (1), 25–36
A Cobham, L Schlögl, A Sumner
Wiley Online Library, 2016
Top incomes drive inequality–so why does the inequality target ignore them
A Cobham, L Schlogl, A Sumner
The Guardian 21, 2015
The Rise of the Robot Reserve Army: Automation and the Future of Economic Development, Work, and Wages in Developing Countries (working paper 487)
L Schlogl, A Sumner
Center for Global Development. Recuperado de: https://www. cgdev. org …, 2018
Vom neuen Miteinander bis zur Erschöpfung: Wie sich der Corona-Diskurs wandelte
K Kieslich, S El-Sayed, C Haddad, KT Paul, M Pot, B Prainsack, ...
Dolmetschen bei Gerichten und Asylbehörden in Wien für Verfahrensbeteiligte aus afrikanischen Herfkunftsländern. Forschungsbericht. Wien: Institut für Afrikawissenschaften der …
W Schicho, G Slezak, M Rienzner, L Schlögl
Robots, robots everywhere. What does it mean for developing countries?
L Schlogl, A Sumner
LSE Business Review, 2018
Citizenship in times of crisis: biosocial state–citizen relations during COVID-19 in Austria
IM Radhuber, C Haddad, K Kieslich, KT Paul, B Prainsack, S El-Sayed, ...
BioSocieties, 1-26, 2023
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Articles 1–20