Stefano Zapperi
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Statistical models of fracture
MJ Alava, PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi
Advances in Physics 55 (3-4), 349-476, 2006
Dislocation avalanches, strain bursts, and the problem of plastic forming at the micrometer scale
FF Csikor, C Motz, D Weygand, M Zaiser, S Zapperi
science 318 (5848), 251-254, 2007
Intermittent dislocation flow in viscoplastic deformation
MC Miguel, A Vespignani, S Zapperi, J Weiss, JR Grasso
Nature 410 (6829), 667-671, 2001
Colloquium: Modeling friction: From nanoscale to mesoscale
A Vanossi, N Manini, M Urbakh, S Zapperi, E Tosatti
Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2), 529-552, 2013
Dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall: Avalanches, depinning transition, and the Barkhausen effect
S Zapperi, P Cizeau, G Durin, HE Stanley
Physical Review B 58 (10), 6353, 1998
Paths to self-organized criticality
R Dickman, MA Muñoz, A Vespignani, S Zapperi
Brazilian Journal of Physics 30, 27-41, 2000
Oral mucositis: the hidden side of cancer therapy
C Pulito, A Cristaudo, CL Porta, S Zapperi, G Blandino, A Morrone, ...
Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research 39, 1-15, 2020
Self-organized branching processes: mean-field theory for avalanches
S Zapperi, KB Lauritsen, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 75 (22), 4071, 1995
How self-organized criticality works: A unified mean-field picture
A Vespignani, S Zapperi
Physical Review E 57 (6), 6345, 1998
Cell–cell adhesion and 3D matrix confinement determine jamming transitions in breast cancer invasion
O Ilina, PG Gritsenko, S Syga, J Lippoldt, CAM La Porta, O Chepizhko, ...
Nature cell biology 22 (9), 1103-1115, 2020
Plasticity and avalanche behaviour in microfracturing phenomena
S Zapperi, A Vespignani, HE Stanley
Nature 388 (6643), 658-660, 1997
First-order transition in the breakdown of disordered media
S Zapperi, P Ray, HE Stanley, A Vespignani
Physical Review Letters 78 (8), 1408, 1997
Self-organized criticality as an absorbing-state phase transition
R Dickman, A Vespignani, S Zapperi
Physical Review E 57 (5), 5095, 1998
Scaling exponents for Barkhausen avalanches in polycrystalline and amorphous ferromagnets
G Durin, S Zapperi
Physical review letters 84 (20), 4705, 2000
Universality beyond power laws and the average avalanche shape
S Papanikolaou, F Bohn, RL Sommer, G Durin, S Zapperi, JP Sethna
Nature Physics 7 (4), 316-320, 2011
Life-support system benefits from noise
B Suki, AM Alencar, MK Sujeer, KR Lutchen, JJ Collins, JS Andrade Jr, ...
Nature 393 (6681), 127-128, 1998
Avalanche and spreading exponents in systems with absorbing states
MA Munoz, R Dickman, A Vespignani, S Zapperi
Physical Review E 59 (5), 6175, 1999
The science of hysteresis
G Durin, S Zapperi
Vol. II, edited by G. Bertotti and I. Mayergoyz Elsevier, Amsterdam, 181-267, 2006
Driving, conservation, and absorbing states in sandpiles
A Vespignani, R Dickman, MA Munoz, S Zapperi
Physical review letters 81 (25), 5676, 1998
Absorbing-state phase transitions in fixed-energy sandpiles
A Vespignani, R Dickman, MA Munoz, S Zapperi
Physical Review E 62 (4), 4564, 2000
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