Phongtharin Vinayavekhin
Phongtharin Vinayavekhin
Independent Researcher
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Limiting the reconstruction capability of generative neural network using negative learning
A Munawar, P Vinayavekhin, G De Magistris
2017 IEEE 27th international workshop on machine learning for signal …, 2017
Unifying heterogeneous classifiers with distillation
J Vongkulbhisal, P Vinayavekhin, M Visentini-Scarzanella
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Spatio-temporal anomaly detection for industrial robots through prediction in unsupervised feature space
A Munawar, P Vinayavekhin, G De Magistris
2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1017-1025, 2017
Domestic activities classification based on CNN using shuffling and mixing data augmentation
T Inoue, P Vinayavekhin, S Wang, D Wood, N Greco, R Tachibana
Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2018 Challenge, 2018
Detection of Anomalous Sounds for Machine Condition Monitoring using Classification Confidence.
T Inoue, P Vinayavekhin, S Morikuni, S Wang, TH Trong, D Wood, ...
DCASE, 66-70, 2020
Focusing on what is relevant: Time-series learning and understanding using attention
P Vinayavekhin, S Chaudhury, A Munawar, DJ Agravante, G De Magistris, ...
2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2624-2629, 2018
Towards an automatic robot regrasping movement based on human demonstration using tangle topology
P Vinayavekhin, S Kudoh, K Ikeuchi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3332-3339, 2011
Data-efficient framework for real-world multiple sound source 2D localization
G Le Moing, P Vinayavekhin, DJ Agravante, T Inoue, J Vongkulbhisal, ...
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Shuffling and mixing data augmentation for environmental sound classification
T Inoue, P Vinayavekhin, S Wang, D Wood, A Munawar, BJ Ko, N Greco, ...
Learning multiple sound source 2d localization
G Le Moing, P Vinayavekhin, T Inoue, J Vongkulbhisal, A Munawar, ...
2019 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP …, 2019
Teaching a robot pick and place task using recurrent neural network
G De Magistris, A Munawar, P Vinayavekhin
ViEW2016, 2016
Human-like hand reaching by motion prediction using long short-term memory
P Vinayavekhin, M Tatsubori, D Kimura, Y Huang, G De Magistris, ...
Social Robotics: 9th International Conference, ICSR 2017, Tsukuba, Japan …, 2017
Experimental force-torque dataset for robot learning of multi-shape insertion
G De Magistris, A Munawar, TH Pham, T Inoue, P Vinayavekhin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.06749, 2018
Unification of models having respective target classes with distillation
J Vongkulbhisal, P Vinayavekhin
US Patent 12,046,023, 2024
Detection of anomalous sounds for machine condition monitoring using classification confidence
P Vinayavekhin, T Inoue, S Morikuni, S Wang, TH Trong, D Wood, ...
Tech. Rep., DCASE2020 Challenge, 2020
Visual localization support system
M Tatsubori, P Vinayavekhin
US Patent 11,378,970, 2022
Representation and mapping of dexterous manipulation through task primitives
P Vinayavekhin, S Kudoh, J Takamatsu, Y Sato, K Ikeuchi
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3722-3729, 2013
Generative adversarial network employed for decentralized and confidential AI training
MV Scarzanella, P Vinayavekhin, J Vongkulbhisal
US Patent 11,010,637, 2021
Unsupervised temporal feature aggregation for event detection in unstructured sports videos
S Chaudhury, D Kimura, P Vinayavekhin, A Munawar, R Tachibana, K Ito, ...
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 9-97, 2019
Detecting dance motion structure using body components and turning motions
B Rennhak, T Shiratori, S Kudoh, P Vinayavekhin, K Ikeuchi
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
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