Vasileios (Bill) Davvetas
Vasileios (Bill) Davvetas
Associate Professor of Marketing, Leeds University Business School
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Cited by
The interplay between country stereotypes and perceived brand globalness/localness as drivers of brand preference
G Halkias, V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of Business Research 69 (9), 3621-3628, 2016
“Regretting your brand-self?” The moderating role of consumer-brand identification on consumer responses to purchase regret
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of Business Research 80, 218-227, 2017
How product category shapes preferences toward global and local brands: A schema theory perspective
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of international marketing 24 (4), 61-81, 2016
The impact of perceived brand globalness on consumers' willingness to pay
V Davvetas, C Sichtmann, A Diamantopoulos
International Journal of Research in Marketing 32 (4), 431-434, 2015
The relational value of perceived brand globalness and localness
C Sichtmann, V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of Business Research 104, 597-613, 2019
Global and local brand stereotypes: formation, content transfer, and impact
V Davvetas, G Halkias
International Marketing Review 36 (5), 675-701, 2019
Ten basic questions about structural equations modeling you should know the answers to–But perhaps you don't
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos, G Zaefarian, C Sichtmann
Industrial Marketing Management 90, 252-263, 2020
On the interplay between consumer dispositions and perceived brand globalness: Alternative theoretical perspectives and empirical assessment
A Diamantopoulos, V Davvetas, F Bartsch, T Mandler, ...
Journal of International Marketing 27 (4), 39-57, 2019
“Should have I bought the other one?” experiencing regret in global versus local brand purchase decisions
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of International Marketing 26 (2), 1-21, 2018
Brand orientation: Conceptual extension, scale development and validation
L Piha, KK Papadas, V Davvetas
Journal of Business Research 134, 203-220, 2021
Local impact of global crises, institutional trust, and consumer well-being: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
V Davvetas, A Ulqinaku, GS Abi
Journal of international marketing 30 (2), 73-101, 2022
Lit up or dimmed down? Why, when, and how regret anticipation affects consumers’ use of the global brand halo
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos, L Liu
Journal of International Marketing 28 (3), 40-63, 2020
The product life cycle revisited: an integrative review and research agenda
A Iveson, M Hultman, V Davvetas
European Journal of Marketing 56 (2), 467-499, 2022
The global/local product attribute: Decomposition, trivialization, and price trade-offs in emerging and developed markets
V Davvetas, C Sichtmann, C Saridakis, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of International Marketing 31 (3), 19-40, 2023
Less speed more haste: The effect of crisis response speed and information strategy on the consumer− brand relationship
A Iveson, M Hultman, V Davvetas, P Oghazi
Psychology & Marketing 40 (2), 391-407, 2023
Brand transgressions: How, when, and why home country bias backfires
V Davvetas, A Ulqinaku, CS Katsikeas
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-22, 2024
“Turning the Tables”: Building Strong Local Brands to Compete Against Global Rivals
V Davvetas, A Diamantopoulos, G Halkias
45th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2016), 2016
Diamanopoulos.(2016). The interplay between country stereotypes and perceived brand globalness/localness as drives of brand preferens
G Halkias, V Davvetas
Journal of Business Research, September, 3621-3628, 0
Indulge or Reduce? A Cross-Country Investigation of Consumption Patterns Following Pandemic Lockdowns
P Riefler, OB Büttner, V Davvetas
Journal of International Marketing 32 (2), 49-64, 2024
The influence of employee accent on customer participation in services
D Bourdin, C Sichtmann, V Davvetas
Journal of Service Research 27 (2), 194-212, 2024
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Articles 1–20