A. C.  Cadavid
A. C. Cadavid
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11-dimensional supergravity compactified on Calabi-Yau threefolds
AC Cadavid, A Ceresole, R D'Auria, S Ferrara
Physics Letters B 357 (1-2), 76-80, 1995
Multifractal measure of the solar magnetic field
JK Lawrence, AA Ruzmaikin, AC Cadavid
Astrophysical Journal v. 417, p. 805 417, 805, 1993
(2, 2) vacuum configurations for type IIA superstrings: N= 2 supergravity Lagrangians and algebraic geometry
M Bodner, AC Cadavid, S Ferrara
Classical and Quantum Gravity 8 (5), 789, 1991
Anomalous diffusion of solar magnetic elements
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, AA Ruzmaikin
The Astrophysical Journal 521 (2), 844, 1999
Dimensional reduction of type IIB supergravity and exceptional quaternionic manifolds
M Bodner, AC Cadavid
Classical and Quantum Gravity 7 (5), 829, 1990
Turbulent and chaotic dynamics underlying solar magnetic variability
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, AA Ruzmaikin
Astrophysical Journal v. 455, p. 366 455, 366, 1995
Picard-Fuchs equations and the moduli space of superconformal field theories
AC Cadavid, S Ferrara
Physics Letters B 267 (2), 193-199, 1991
Independent global modes of solar magnetic field fluctuations
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, DP McDonald, A Ruzmaikin
Solar Physics 226, 359-376, 2005
Multifractal models of small-scale solar magnetic fields
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, AA Ruzmaikin, A Kayleng-Knight
The Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 429, no. 1, p. 391 …, 1994
On the multifractal distribution of solar magnetic fields
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, AA Ruzmaikin
Astrophysical Journal v. 465, p. 425 465, 425, 1996
Calabi-Yau supermoduli space, field strength duality and mirror manifolds
S Ferrara, M Bodner, AC Cadavid
Physics Letters B 247 (1), 25-30, 1990
Principal components and independent component analysis of solar and space data
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, A Ruzmaikin
Solar Image Analysis and Visualization, 37-51, 2009
Spatiotemporal scaling of solar surface flows
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, A Ruzmaikin, TE Berger
Physical Review Letters 86 (26), 5894, 2001
Characteristic scales of photospheric flows and their magnetic and temperature markers
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, AA Ruzmaikin
The Astrophysical Journal 513 (1), 506, 1999
Principal component analysis of the solar magnetic field I: the axisymmetric field at the photosphere
JK Lawrence, A Cristina Cadavid, A Ruzmaikin
Solar Physics 225, 1-19, 2004
Mesogranulation and turbulence in photospheric flows
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, A Ruzmaikin
Solar Physics 202, 27-39, 2001
Spatiotemporal correlations and turbulent photospheric flows from SOHO/MDI velocity data
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, AA Ruzmaikin, SR Walton, T Tarbell
The Astrophysical Journal 509 (2), 918, 1998
Multiplicative cascade models of multifractal solar magnetic fields
JK Lawrence, AC Cadavid, AA Ruzmaikin
Physical Review E 51 (1), 316, 1995
Different periodicities in the sunspot area and the occurrence of solar flares and coronal mass ejections in solar cycle 23–24
DP Choudhary, JK Lawrence, M Norris, AC Cadavid
Solar Physics 289, 649-656, 2014
Photospheric sources and brightening of the internetwork chromosphere
AC Cadavid, JK Lawrence, TE Berger, A Ruzmaikin
The Astrophysical Journal 586 (2), 1409, 2003
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