J. M. Sanchez
J. M. Sanchez
Research Director Berotza
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Flexible thermoelectric materials and device optimization for wearable energy harvesting
JH Bahk, H Fang, K Yazawa, A Shakouri
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (40), 10362-10374, 2015
Robotic manipulation and sensing of deformable objects in domestic and industrial applications: a survey
J Sanchez, JA Corrales, BC Bouzgarrou, Y Mezouar
The International Journal of Robotics Research 37 (7), 688-716, 2018
Skutterudites as thermoelectric materials: revisited
M Rull-Bravo, A Moure, JF Fernández, M Martín-González
Rsc Advances 5 (52), 41653-41667, 2015
Assessment of heavy metal levels in Almendares River sediments—Havana City, Cuba
S Olivares-Rieumont, D De la Rosa, L Lima, DW Graham, D Katia, ...
Water Research 39 (16), 3945-3953, 2005
Modifications of digestive enzymes in trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bream (Sparus aurata) in response to dietary fish meal replacement by plant protein sources
E Santigosa, J Sánchez, F Médale, S Kaushik, J Pérez-Sánchez, ...
Aquaculture 282 (1-4), 68-74, 2008
Fine litterfall and related nutrient inputs resulting from Hurricane Hugo in subtropical wet and lower montane rain forests of Puerto Rico
DJ Lodge, FN Scatena, CE Asbury, MJ Sanchez
Biotropica, 336-342, 1991
Nutrient availability in a montane wet tropical forest: spatial patterns and methodological considerations
WL Silver, FN Scatena, AH Johnson, TG Siccama, MJ Sanchez
Plant and soil 164, 129-145, 1994
Unravelling doping effects on PEDOT at the molecular level: from geometry to thermoelectric transport properties
W Shi, T Zhao, J Xi, D Wang, Z Shuai
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (40), 12929-12938, 2015
Biomass and nutrient content of the Bisley experimental watersheds, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, before and after Hurricane Hugo, 1989
FN Scatena, W Silver, T Siccama, A Johnson, MJ Sanchez
Biotropica, 15-27, 1993
A SEM and EDS insight into the BUL and BUE differences in the turning processes of AA2024 Al–Cu alloy
MS Carrilero, R Bienvenido, JM Sánchez, M Alvarez, A González, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 42 (2), 215-220, 2002
Silymarin induces recovery of pancreatic function after alloxan damage in rats
C Soto, R Mena, J Luna, M Cerbon, E Larrieta, P Vital, E Uria, M Sanchez, ...
Life Sciences 75 (18), 2167-2180, 2004
Diagnosis and treatment of catheter-related bloodstream infection: Clinical guidelines of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology and (SEIMC) and …
F Chaves, J Garnacho-Montero, JL Del Pozo, E Bouza, JA Capdevila, ...
Medicina intensiva 42 (1), 5-36, 2018
Increasing the thermoelectric power factor of a semiconducting polymer by doping from the vapor phase
SN Patel, AM Glaudell, D Kiefer, ML Chabinyc
ACS Macro Letters 5 (3), 268-272, 2016
Differentiation “in vitro” of primary and immortalized porcine mesenchymal stem cells into cardiomyocytes for cell transplantation
I Moscoso, A Centeno, E Lopez, JI Rodriguez-Barbosa, I Santamarina, ...
Transplantation proceedings 37 (1), 481-482, 2005
El entorno familiar y el rendimiento escolar
A Morales, P Arcos, E Ariza, M Cabello, M López, J Pacheco, A Palomino, ...
Andalucía: Consejería de educación y ciencia, 1999
Rural and urban residence during early life is associated with risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based inception and birth cohort study
EI Benchimol, GG Kaplan, AR Otley, GC Nguyen, FE Underwood, ...
Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG 112 (9 …, 2017
El juego en el medio escolar
J Montañés Rodríguez, M Parra Casado, MT Sánchez Núñez, ...
Ensayos: revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Formación del Profesorado de …, 2000
The use of microorganisms in environmental remediation
M Iranzo, I Sainz-Pardo, R Boluda, J Sanchez, S Mormeneo
Annals of microbiology 51 (2), 135-144, 2001
Brain metabolism of ethanol and alcoholism: an update
L Hipolito, MJ Sanchez, A Polache, L Granero
Current drug metabolism 8 (7), 716-727, 2007
High-efficiency photovoltaic technology including thermoelectric generation
M Fisac, FX Villasevil, AM López
Journal of power sources 252, 264-269, 2014
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