kamil kwiatkowski
kamil kwiatkowski
Euros Energy
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Biomass gasification: Influence of torrefaction on syngas production and tar formation
M Dudyński, JC van Dyk, K Kwiatkowski, M Sosnowska
Fuel processing technology 131, 203-212, 2015
From feathers to syngas–Technologies and devices
M Dudyński, K Kwiatkowski, K Bajer
Waste management 32 (4 (Special Issue on Solid Fuel Gasification)), 685-691, 2012
Pyrolysis and gasification of a thermally thick wood particle–Effect of fragmentation
K Kwiatkowski, K Bajer, A Celińska, M Dudyński, J Korotko, M Sosnowska
Fuel 132, 125-134, 2014
Combustion of Low-Calorific Waste Biomass Syngas
K Kwiatkowski, M Dudyński, K Bajer
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 91 (4), 749-772, 2013
Response to the slug injection of a tracer—a large-scale experiment in a natural river/Réponse à l'injection impulsionnelle d'un traceur—expérience à grande échelle en …
PM Rowiński, IAN Guymer, K Kwiatkowski
Hydrological sciences journal 53 (6), 1300-1309, 2008
Regimes of non-premixed combustion of hot low-calorific gases derived from biomass gasification
K Kwiatkowski, E Mastorakos
Energy & Fuels, 2016
Bioenergy from feathers gasification–Efficiency and performance analysis
K Kwiatkowski, J Krzysztoforski, K Bajer, M Dudyński
Biomass and bioenergy 59, 402-411, 2013
Numerical Modeling of Biomass Pyrolysis—Heat and Mass Transport Models
K Kwiatkowski, B Górecki, J Korotko, W Gryglas, M Dudyński, K Bajer
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 64 (3), 216-234, 2013
Pyrolysis and gasification of single biomass particle–new openFoam solver
K Kwiatkowski, PJ Zuk, M Dudyński, K Bajer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 530 (1), 012015, 2014
Turbulent combustion of biomass syngas
K Kwiatkowski, K Bajer, K Wedołowski
Archives of Mechanics 64 (5), 511--527, 2012
Effect of mobility ratio on interaction between the fingers in unstable growth processes
A Budek, K Kwiatkowski, P Szymczak
Physical Review E 96 (4), 042218, 2017
Retrieving atmospheric turbulence information from regular commercial aircraft using Mode-S and ADS-B
JM Kopeć, K Kwiatkowski, S de Haan, SP Malinowski
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9 (5), 2253-2265, 2016
Gasification of Feathers for Energy Production - A Case Study
K Kwiatkowski, J Krzysztoforski, K Bajer, M Dudyński
20th European Biomass Conference and Exhitibion, Milan, 1858-1862, 2012
Biomass gasification solver based on OpenFOAM
K Kwiatkowski, PJ Zuk, K Bajer, M Dudynski
Comput. Phys. Commun, 1-29, 2013
OpenFOAM solver for thermal and chemical conversion in porous media
PJ Żuk, B Tużnik, T Rymarz, K Kwiatkowski, M Dudyński, FCC Galeazzo, ...
Computer Physics Communications 278, 108407, 2022
Wormhole formation during acidizing of calcite-cemented fractures in gas-bearing shales
P Szymczak, K Kwiatkowski, M Jarosinskí, T Kwiatkowski, F Osselin
SPE Journal 24 (02), 795-810, 2019
Computer-aided reconstruction of hip joint in revision arthroplasty
K Skalski, K Kwiatkowski, J Domanski, T Sowinski
Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 7, 72-79, 2006
Gasification of biomass residuals–industrial perspective and long-term practice
M Sosnowska, M Dudynskia, J Krzysztoforskic, K Kwiatkowskib
Chemical Engineering 37, 2014
Formation of fireside deposits in feather gasification and heat recovery systems—an industrial case study
M Sosnowska, M Dudyński, D Kardaś, M Klein, K Kwiatkowski
Fuel Processing Technology 139, 8-14, 2015
Numerical simulations of industrial-scale combustion chamber-LES versus RANS
K Kwiatkowski, D Jasiński, K Bajer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (9), 092009, 2011
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