Teemu Kautonen
Teemu Kautonen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Robustness of the theory of planned behavior in predicting entrepreneurial intentions and actions
T Kautonen, M Van Gelderen, M Fink
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 39 (3), 655-674, 2015
Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a test of the theory of planned behaviour
T Kautonen, M Van Gelderen, ET Tornikoski
Applied economics 45 (6), 697-707, 2013
From entrepreneurial intentions to actions: Self-control and action-related doubt, fear, and aversion
M Van Gelderen, T Kautonen, M Fink
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (5), 655-673, 2015
Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: the impact of perceived age norms
T Kautonen, ET Tornikoski, E Kibler
Small business economics 37, 219-234, 2011
Regional social legitimacy of entrepreneurship: Implications for entrepreneurial intention and start-up behaviour
E Kibler, T Kautonen, M Fink
Regional Studies 48 (6), 995-1015, 2014
Ageing and entrepreneurial preferences
T Kautonen, S Down, M Minniti
Small Business Economics 42, 579-594, 2014
Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing third age and prime age entrepreneurs in Finland
T Kautonen
International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management (IJBSAM) 3 (3 …, 2008
Antecedents to permission based mobile marketing: an initial examination
C Jayawardhena, A Kuckertz, H Karjaluoto, T Kautonen
European journal of marketing 43 (3/4), 473-499, 2009
Influence of work history on entrepreneurial intentions in ‘prime age’and ‘third age’: A preliminary study
T Kautonen, S Luoto, ET Tornikoski
International small business journal 28 (6), 583-601, 2010
Late-career entrepreneurship, income and quality of life
T Kautonen, E Kibler, M Minniti
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (3), 318-333, 2017
The impact of a necessity-based start-up on subsequent entrepreneurial satisfaction
T Kautonen, J Palmroos
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 6, 285-300, 2010
“Involuntary self‐employment” as a public policy issue: a cross‐country European review
T Kautonen, S Down, F Welter, P Vainio, J Palmroos, K Althoff, S Kolb
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 16 (2), 112-129, 2010
Enterprise support for older entrepreneurs: The case of PRIME in the UK
T Kautonen, S Down, L South
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 14 (2), 85-101, 2008
Can prosocial motivation harm entrepreneurs' subjective well-being?
E Kibler, J Wincent, T Kautonen, G Cacciotti, M Obschonka
Journal of business venturing 34 (4), 608-624, 2019
Implementation intentions in the entrepreneurial process: concept, empirical findings, and research agenda
M Van Gelderen, T Kautonen, J Wincent, M Biniari
Small Business Economics 51 (4), 923-941, 2018
Innovativeness and family-firm performance: The moderating effect of family commitment
I Hatak, T Kautonen, M Fink, J Kansikas
Technological forecasting and social change 102, 120-131, 2016
Emergence of entrepreneurial behaviour: The role of age-based self-image
T Kautonen, I Hatak, E Kibler, T Wainwright
Journal of Economic Psychology 50, 41-51, 2015
Trust, social networks and enterprise development: exploring evidence from East and West Germany
F Welter, T Kautonen
The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1, 367-379, 2005
Human resource flexibility and strong ties in entrepreneurial teams
R Zolin, A Kuckertz, T Kautonen
Journal of Business Research 64 (10), 1097-1103, 2011
Ties that blind? How strong ties affect small business owner-managers’ perceived trustworthiness of their advisors
T Kautonen, R Zolin, A Kuckertz, A Viljamaa
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 22 (2), 189-209, 2010
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