Serge Autexier
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Zitiert von
Development graphs—proof management for structured specifications
T Mossakowski, S Autexier, D Hutter
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 67 (1-2), 114-145, 2006
Towards an evolutionary formal software-development using CASL
S Autexier, D Hutter, H Mantel, A Schairer
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 14th International …, 2000
The development graph manager MAYA
S Autexier, D Hutter, T Mossakowski, A Schairer
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 2002
Computer supported mathematics with ΩMEGA
J Siekmann, C Benzmüller, S Autexier
Journal of Applied Logic 4 (4), 533-559, 2006
System description: Inka 5.0-a logic voyager
S Autexier, D Hutter, H Mantel, A Schairer
CADE, 207-211, 1999
Scratch and Google Blockly: How girls' programming skills and attitudes are influenced
M Seraj, ES Katterfeldt, K Bub, S Autexier, R Drechsler
Proceedings of the 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing …, 2019
Extending development graphs with hiding
T Mossakowski, S Autexier, D Hutter
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2001
The CrowdHEALTH project and the hollistic health records: Collective wisdom driving public health policies
D Kyriazis, S Autexier, M Boniface, V Engen, R Jimenez-Peris, B Jordan, ...
Acta Informatica Medica 27 (5), 369, 2019
Assertion-level proof representation with under-specification
S Autexier, C Benzmüller, A Fiedler, H Horacek, BQ Vo
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 93, 5-23, 2004
Integrating HOL-CASL into the Development Graph Manager MAYA
S Autexier, T Mossakowski
International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 2-17, 2002
VSE: Formal methods meet industrial needs
S Autexier, D Hutter, B Langenstein, H Mantel, G Rock, A Schairer, ...
International journal on software tools for technology transfer 3, 66-77, 2000
Automated discovery of inductive theorems
R McCasland, A Bundy, A Serge
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 10 (23), 2007
Hierarchical contextual reasoning
S Autexier
PlatΩ: A mediator between text-editors and proof assistance systems
M Wagner, S Autexier, C Benzmüller
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 174 (2), 87-107, 2007
A generic modular data structure for proof attempts alternating on ideas and granularity
S Autexier, C Benzmüller, D Dietrich, A Meier, CP Wirth
International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, 126-142, 2005
Crowdhealth: Holistic health records and big data analytics for health policy making and personalized health
D Kyriazis, S Autexier, I Brondino, M Boniface, L Donat, V Engen, ...
Informatics Empowers Healthcare Transformation, 19-23, 2017
BEESM, a block-based educational programming tool for end users
M Seraj, S Autexier, J Janssen
Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 886-891, 2018
The CoRe Calculus
S Autexier
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 84-98, 2005
Semantics-based change impact analysis for heterogeneous collections of documents
S Autexier, N Müller
Proceedings of the 10th ACM symposium on Document engineering, 97-106, 2010
Supporting user-defined notations when integrating scientific text-editors with proof assistance systems
S Autexier, A Fiedler, T Neumann, M Wagner
International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, 176-190, 2007
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