Juan Majada
Juan Majada
Scientific Director Cetemas Foundation
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Cited by
Intra-specific variability in biomass partitioning and carbon isotopic discrimination under moderate drought stress in seedlings from four Pinus pinaster populations
I Aranda, R Alía, U Ortega, ÂK Dantas, J Majada
Tree Genetics & Genomes 6, 169-178, 2010
Effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation in the nursery on growth and water relations of Pinus radiata in different water regimes
U Ortega, M Dunabeitia, S Menendez, C Gonzalez-Murua, J Majada
Tree physiology 24 (1), 65-73, 2004
Impact of culture vessel ventilation on the anatomy and morphology of micropropagated carnation
JP Majada, FR Tadeo, MA Fal, R Sánchez-Tamés
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 63, 207-214, 2000
Field performance of Pinus radiata D. Don produced in nursery with different types of containers
U Ortega, J Majada, A Mena-Petite, J Sanchez-Zabala, ...
New Forests 31 (1), 97-112, 2006
Mini-cuttings: an effective technique for the propagation of Pinus pinaster Ait.
J Majada, C Martínez-Alonso, I Feito, A Kidelman, I Aranda, R Alía
New Forests 41, 399-412, 2011
Air exchange rate affects the in vitro developed leaf cuticle of carnation
JP Majada, MI Sierra, R Sanchez-Tames
Scientia Horticulturae 87 (1-2), 121-130, 2001
Genetic variation of drought tolerance in Pinus pinaster at three hierarchical levels: a comparison of induced osmotic stress and field testing
MJ Gaspar, T Velasco, I Feito, R Alía, J Majada
PloS one 8 (11), e79094, 2013
The effect of ventilation rate on proliferation and hyperhydricity of Dianthus caryophyllus L
JP Majada, MA Fal, R Sánchez-Tamés
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 33, 62-69, 1997
Modelling of the mechanical properties of Castanea sativa Mill. structural timber by a combination of non-destructive variables and visual grading parameters
A Vega, A Dieste, M Guaita, J Majada, V Baño
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 6 (70), 839-844, 2012
Exploring natural variation of Pinus pinaster Aiton using metabolomics: Is it possible to identify the region of origin of a pine from its metabolites?
M Meijón, I Feito, M Oravec, C Delatorre, W Weckwerth, J Majada, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (4), 959-976, 2016
Drought tolerance acquisition in Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.): a research on plant morphology, physiology and proteomics
AE Valdés, S Irar, JP Majada, A Rodríguez, B Fernández, M Pagès
Journal of proteomics 79, 263-276, 2013
Fisiología del cultivo in vitro
MJ Cañal, R Rodríguez, B Fernández, R Sánchez-Tames, JP Majada
Biotecnología vegetal 1 (1), 2001
The effect of temperature and water stress on laboratory germination of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seeds of different sizes
M López, JM Humara, A Casares, J Majada
Annals of Forest Science 57 (3), 245-250, 2000
A three level system for estimating the biomass of Castanea sativa Mill. coppice stands in north-west Spain
M Menéndez-Miguélez, E Canga, M Barrio-Anta, J Majada, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 291, 417-426, 2013
Dehydrins in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and their expression related to drought stress response
T Velasco-Conde, I Yakovlev, JP Majada, I Aranda, Ø Johnsen
Tree Genetics & Genomes 8, 957-973, 2012
A GIS methodology for optimal location of a wood-fired power plant: Quantification of available woodfuel, supply chain costs and GHG emissions
S Sánchez-García, D Athanassiadis, C Martínez-Alonso, E Tolosana, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 157, 201-212, 2017
Above-ground biomass estimation at tree and stand level for short rotation plantations of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden in Northwest Spain
M González-García, A Hevia, J Majada, M Barrio-Anta
Biomass and Bioenergy 54, 147-157, 2013
Effect of seed size and growing media water availability on early seedling growth in Eucalyptus globulus
JM Humara, A Casares, J Majada
Forest ecology and management 167 (1-3), 1-11, 2002
Intraspecific variation in growth and allocation patterns in seedlings of Pinus pinaster Ait. submitted to contrasting watering regimes: can water availability explain regional …
D Sánchez-Gómez, J Majada, R Alía, I Feito, I Aranda
Annals of Forest Science 67 (5), 505, 2010
Adaptive potential of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) populations to the emerging pitch canker pathogen, Fusarium circinatum
M Elvira-Recuenco, E Iturritxa, J Majada, R Alia, R Raposo
PLoS One 9 (12), e114971, 2014
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Articles 1–20