Chiu Yu-Chin (丘雨勤)
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Avoiding non-independence in fMRI data analysis: leave one subject out
M Esterman, BJ Tamber-Rosenau, YC Chiu, S Yantis
Neuroimage 50 (2), 572-576, 2010
Decoding cognitive control in human parietal cortex
M Esterman, YC Chiu, BJ Tamber-Rosenau, S Yantis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (42), 17974-17979, 2009
A domain-independent source of cognitive control for task sets: shifting spatial attention and switching categorization rules
YC Chiu, S Yantis
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (12), 3930-3938, 2009
Voices from the COVID‐19 frontline: Nurses’ trauma and coping
KJ Foli, A Forster, C Cheng, L Zhang, YC Chiu
Journal of Advanced Nursing 77 (9), 3853-3866, 2021
Cortical mechanisms of cognitive control for shifting attention in vision and working memory
BJ Tamber-Rosenau, M Esterman, YC Chiu, S Yantis
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (10), 2905-2919, 2011
Visuotopic cortical connectivity underlying attention revealed with white-matter tractography
AS Greenberg, T Verstynen, YC Chiu, S Yantis, W Schneider, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (8), 2773-2782, 2012
Cortical and subcortical contributions to context-control learning
YC Chiu, T Egner
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 99, 33-41, 2019
Inhibition-induced forgetting: when more control leads to less memory
YC Chiu, T Egner
Psychological science 26 (1), 27-38, 2015
The caudate nucleus mediates learning of stimulus–control state associations
YC Chiu, J Jiang, T Egner
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (4), 1028-1038, 2017
Cueing cognitive flexibility: Item-specific learning of switch readiness.
YC Chiu, T Egner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (12 …, 2017
Automatic prioritization of self-referential stimuli in working memory
S Yin, J Sui, YC Chiu, A Chen, T Egner
Psychological Science 30 (3), 415-423, 2019
Unconsciously triggered response inhibition requires an executive setting.
YC Chiu, AR Aron
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (1), 56, 2014
Opposing effects of appetitive and aversive cues on go/no-go behavior and motor excitability
YC Chiu, R Cools, AR Aron
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (8), 1851-1860, 2014
Inhibition-induced forgetting results from resource competition between response inhibition and memory encoding processes
YC Chiu, T Egner
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (34), 11936-11945, 2015
Binding or prioritization: The role of selective attention in visual short-term memory
YY Yeh, CT Yang, YC Chiu
Visual Cognition 12 (5), 759-799, 2005
Decoding task-based attentional modulation during face categorization
YC Chiu, M Esterman, Y Han, H Rosen, S Yantis
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (5), 1198-1204, 2011
Response suppression by automatic retrieval of stimulus–stop association: Evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation
YC Chiu, AR Aron, F Verbruggen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (9), 1908-1918, 2012
Tracking the will to attend: Cortical activity indexes self-generated, voluntary shifts of attention
L Gmeindl, YC Chiu, MS Esterman, AS Greenberg, SM Courtney, S Yantis
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 2176-2184, 2016
The early extraction of sublexical phonology in reading Chinese pseudocharacters: an event-related potentials study
JL Tsai, YC Chiu, OJL Tzeng12, DL Hung13
Language and Linguistics 7 (3), 619-636, 2006
Utilizing temporal information in fMRI decoding: classifier using kernel regression methods
C Chu, J Mourăo-Miranda, YC Chiu, N Kriegeskorte, G Tan, J Ashburner
Neuroimage 58 (2), 560-571, 2011
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Articles 1–20