Zhengyao Lu
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Cited by
Evolution and forcing mechanisms of El Niño over the past 21,000 years
Z Liu, Z Lu, X Wen, BL Otto-Bliesner, A Timmermann, KM Cobb
Nature 515 (7528), 550-553, 2014
Coherent changes of southeastern equatorial and northern African rainfall during the last deglaciation
BL Otto-Bliesner, JM Russell, PU Clark, Z Liu, JT Overpeck, B Konecky, ...
Science 346 (6214), 1223-1227, 2014
Greening of the Sahara suppressed ENSO activity during the mid-Holocene
FSR Pausata, Q Zhang, F Muschitiello, Z Lu, L Chafik, EM Niedermeyer, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-12, 2017
Simulating the mid-Holocene, last interglacial and mid-Pliocene climate with EC-Earth3-LR, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1147–1169
Q Zhang, E Berntell, J Axelsson, J Chen, Z Han, W De Nooijer, Z Lu, Q Li, ...
Milankovitch theory and monsoon
H Cheng, H Li, L Sha, A Sinha, Z Shi, Q Yin, Z Lu, D Zhao, Y Cai, Y Hu, ...
The Innovation 3 (6), 2022
A review of paleo El Niño-southern oscillation
Z Lu, Z Liu, J Zhu, KM Cobb
Atmosphere 9 (4), 130, 2018
Impacts of large‐scale Sahara solar farms on global climate and vegetation cover
Z Lu, Q Zhang, PA Miller, Q Zhang, E Berntell, B Smith
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2), e2020GL090789, 2021
Dynamic vegetation simulations of the mid‐Holocene Green Sahara
Z Lu, PA Miller, Q Zhang, Q Zhang, D Wårlind, L Nieradzik, J Sjolte, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (16), 8294-8303, 2018
Rapid precipitation changes in the tropical West Pacific linked to North Atlantic climate forcing during the last deglaciation
Z Xiong, T Li, F Chang, TJ Algeo, PD Clift, L Bretschneider, Z Lu, X Zhu, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 197, 288-306, 2018
Prominent precession band variance in ENSO intensity over the last 300,000 years
Z Lu, Z Liu, G Chen, J Guan
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (16), 9786-9795, 2019
Northwestward shift of the northern boundary of the East Asian summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene caused by orbital forcing and vegetation feedbacks
J Chen, Q Zhang, W Huang, Z Lu, Z Zhang, F Chen
Quaternary Science Reviews 268, 107136, 2021
Abrupt intensification of ENSO forced by deglacial ice-sheet retreat in CCSM3
Z Lu, Z Liu, J Zhu
Climate dynamics 46, 1877-1891, 2016
The resilience of Amazon tree cover to past and present drying
T Kukla, A Ahlström, SY Maezumi, M Chevalier, Z Lu, MJ Winnick, ...
Global and Planetary Change 202, 103520, 2021
Orbital modulation of ENSO seasonal phase locking
Z Lu, Z Liu
Climate Dynamics 52 (7), 4329-4350, 2019
Seasonal cycle of background in the tropical Pacific as a cause of ENSO spring persistence barrier
Y Jin, Z Liu, Z Lu, C He
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (22), 13371-13378, 2019
Response of heterogeneous rainfall variability in East Asia to Hadley circulation reorganization during the late Quaternary
D Zhao, S Wan, Z Lu, L Zhai, X Feng, X Shi, A Li
Quaternary Science Reviews 247, 106562, 2020
Controls of spring persistence barrier strength in different ENSO regimes and implications for 21st century changes
Y Jin, Z Lu, Z Liu
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (11), e2020GL088010, 2020
Vegetation pattern and terrestrial carbon variation in past warm and cold climates
Z Lu, PA Miller, Q Zhang, D Wårlind, L Nieradzik, J Sjolte, Q Li, B Smith
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (14), 8133-8143, 2019
Multi-centennial Holocene climate variability in proxy records and transient model simulations
TG Askjær, Q Zhang, F Schenk, FC Ljungqvist, Z Lu, CM Brierley, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 296, 107801, 2022
Humidification of Central Asia and equatorward shifts of westerly winds since the late Pliocene
Y Zhong, X Shi, H Yang, DJ Wilson, JR Hein, S Kaboth-Bahr, Z Lu, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 274, 2022
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