Mehmet Eskin
Mehmet Eskin
Koc University, Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey
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Relative contributions of childcare, spousal support, and organizational support in reducing work–family conflict for men and women: The case of Turkey
Z Aycan, M Eskin
Sex roles 53, 453-471, 2005
Algılanan stres ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve geçerlik Analizi (The adaptation of the Perceived Stress Scale into Turkish: A reliability and validity analysis)
M Eskin, H Harlak, F Demirkıran, Ç Dereboy
Yeni/New Symposium 51 (3), 132-140, 2013
Self‐reported assertiveness in Swedish and Turkish adolescents: A cross‐cultural comparison
M Eskin
Scandinavian Journal of psychology 44 (1), 7-12, 2003
Suicidal behavior and psychological distress in university students: a 12-nation study
M Eskin, JM Sun, J Abuidhail, K Yoshimasu, O Kujan, M Janghorbani, ...
Archives of Suicide Research 20 (3), 369–388, 2016
Same-sex sexual orientation, childhood sexual abuse, and suicidal behavior in university students in Turkey
M Eskin, H Kaynak-Demir, S Demir
Archives of sexual behavior 34, 185-195, 2005
The adaptation of the perceived stress scale into Turkish: a reliability and validity analysis
M Eskin
Journal of New Symposium 51 (3), 132, 2013
Lise Öğrencisi Ergenlerde Depresyonun Yaygınlığı ve İlişkili Olduğu Etmenler.
M Eskin, K Ertekin, H Harlak, Ç Dereboy
Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi 19 (4), 2008
Introducing a Swedish version of an instrument measuring mental stress
M Eskin, D Parr
Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, 1996
Acne: prevalence, perceptions and effects on psychological health among adolescents in Aydin, Turkey
G Uslu, N Şendur, M Uslu, E Şavk, G Karaman, M Eskin
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 22 (4), 462-469, 2008
Reliability of the Turkish version of the perceived social support from friends and family scales, scale for interpersonal behavior, and suicide probability scale
M Eskin
Journal of Clinical Psychology 55, 660-667, 1993
The effects of religious versus secular education on suicide ideation and suicidal attitudes in adolescents in Turkey
M Eskin
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 39, 536-542, 2004
Efficacy of a problem-solving therapy for depression and suicide potential in adolescents and young adults
M Eskin, K Ertekin, H Demir
Cognitive Therapy and Research 32, 227-245, 2008
Risk factors for and protective factors against adolescent suicidal behavior in Turkey
M Eskin, K Ertekin, C Dereboy, F Demirkiran
Crisis 28 (3), 131-139, 2007
A cross-cultural investigation of suicidal behavior and attitudes in Austrian and Turkish medical students
M Eskin, M Voracek, S Stieger, V Altinyazar
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 46, 813-823, 2011
Suicidal behavior as related to social support and assertiveness among Swedish and Turkish high school students: A cross‐cultural investigation
M Eskin
Journal of clinical psychology 51 (2), 158-172, 1995
Sorun Çözme Terapisi
M Eskin
Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği, 2009
Ergenlikte yalnızlık, baş etme yöntemleri ve yalnızlığın intihar davranışı ile ilişkisi
M Eskin
Klinik Psikiyatri 4 (5), 5-11, 2001
İntihar: Açıklama, değerlendirme, tedavi ve önleme
M Eskin
Çizgi Tıp Yayınevi, 2003
Ergen ruh sağlığı sorunları ve intihar davranışıyla ilişkileri
M Eskin
Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 3 (4), 228-234, 2000
Ayaktan tedavi edilen psikiyatri hastalarında travmatik yaşam olayları ve sorun çözme becerileri: İntihar davranışıyla ilişkisi
M Eskin, A Akoğlu, B Uygur
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 17 (4), 266-275, 2006
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