Harris M. Berger
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Metal, rock, and jazz: Perception and the phenomenology of musical experience
HM Berger
Wesleyan University Press, 1999
Metal rules the globe: Heavy metal music around the world
J Wallach, HM Berger, PD Greene
Duke University Press, 2011
Stance: ideas about emotion, style, and meaning for the study of expressive culture
HM Berger
Wesleyan University Press, 2010
Sixties rock: Garage, psychedelic, and other satisfactions
HM Berger
LABOUR-LE TRAVAIL, 277-279, 1999
Identity and Everyday Life: Essays in the Study of Folklore, Music and Popular Culture
HM Berger, GP Del Negro
Wesleyan University Press, 2004
‘Heaviness’ in the Perception of Heavy Metal Guitar Timbres: The Match of Perceptual and Acoustic Features over Time
HM Berger, C Fales
Wired for Sound: Engineering and Technologies in Sonic Cultures, 181-197, 2005
"Heaviness" in the Perception of Heavy Metal Guitar Timbres: The Match of Perceptual and Acoustic Features over Time
HM Berger, C Fales
Wired for Sound Engineering and Technologies in Sonic Cultures, 181-197, 2005
Death metal tonality and the act of listening
HM Berger
Popular Music 18 (2), 161-178, 1999
Global pop, local language
HM Berger, MT Carroll
Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2003
Affective overdrive, scene dynamics, and identity in the global metal scene
J Wallach, HM Berger, PD Greene
Metal rules the globe: Heavy metal music around the world, 3-33, 2011
Bauman's verbal art and the social organization of attention: The role of reflexivity in the aesthetics of performance
HM Berger, G Del Negro
Journal of American Folklore 115 (455), 62-91, 2002
The practice of perception: Multi-functionality and time in the musical experiences of a heavy metal drummer
HM Berger
Phenomenological Approaches to Popular Culture, 121-147, 2000
The practice of perception: Multi-functionality and time in the musical experiences of a heavy metal drummer
HM Berger
Ethnomusicology 41 (3), 464-488, 1997
Phenomenology and the ethnography of popular music: ethnomusicology at the juncture of cultural studies and folklore
HM Berger
Shadows in the Field: New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology, 62-75, 2008
Introduction: The politics and aesthetics of language choice and dialect in popular music
HM Berger, MT Carroll
Global pop, local language, ix-xxvi, 2003
Phenomenological Approaches in the History of Ethnomusicology
HM Berger
Oxford Handbooks Online, 2015
Theory for Ethnomusicology: Histories, Conversations, Insights
HM Berger, RM Stone
Routledge, 2019
Theory for Ethnomusicology: Histories, Conversations, Insights
HM Berger, RM Stone
Routledge, 2019
Horizons of melody and the problem of the self
HM Berger
HM Berger & G. Del Negro, Identity in Everyday Life, 43-88, 2004
Character divination and kinetic sculpture in the central Italian passeggiata (ritual promenade): interpretive frameworks and expressive practices from a body-centered perspective
G Del Negro, HM Berger
Journal of American Folklore 114 (451), 5-19, 2001
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