Zach Olson
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An eDNA approach to detect eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) using samples of water
ZH Olson, JT Briggler, RN Williams
Wildlife Research 39 (7), 629-636, 2012
Mesopredators dominate competition for carrion in an agricultural landscape
TL DeVault, ZH Olson, JC Beasley, OE Rhodes Jr
Basic and Applied Ecology 12 (3), 268-274, 2011
Ecological role of vertebrate scavengers
JC Beasley, ZH Olson, TL DeVault
Carrion Ecology, Evolution, and their Application, 107-128, 2015
Carrion cycling in food webs: comparisons among terrestrial and marine ecosystems
JC Beasley, ZH Olson, TL DeVault
Oikos 121 (7), 1021-1026, 2012
Ecosystem services provided by avian scavengers
TL DeVault, JC Beasley, ZH Olson, M Moleón, M Carrete, A Margalida, ...
University of Chicago Press, 2016
Scavenger community response to the removal of a dominant scavenger
ZH Olson, JC Beasley, TL DeVault, OE Rhodes Jr
Oikos 121 (1), 77-84, 2012
Carcass type affects local scavenger guilds more than habitat connectivity
ZH Olson, JC Beasley, OE Rhodes
PLoS ONE 11 (2), e0147798, 2016
Spatio-temporal variation in the demographic attributes of a generalist mesopredator
JC Beasley, ZH Olson, G Dharmarajan, TS Eagan
Landsc. Ecol 26 (7), 937-950, 2011
Reducing Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm larvae in Raccoon Latrines
K Page, JC Beasley, ZH Olson, TJ Smyser, M Downey, KF Kellner, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 17, 90-93, 2011
Use of Rhodamine B to reveal patterns of interspecific competition and bait acceptance in raccoons
TJ Smyser, JC Beasley, ZH Olson, OE Rhodes Jr
The Journal of wildlife management 74 (6), 1405-1416, 2010
Translocation history and genetic diversity in reintroduced bighorn sheep
ZH Olson, DG Whittaker, OE Rhodes Jr
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (8), 1553-1563, 2013
Effects of culling on mesopredator population dynamics
JC Beasley, ZH Olson, WS Beatty, G Dharmarajan, OE Rhodes Jr
PLoS One 8 (3), e58982, 2013
Ecological functions of vertebrate scavenging
JC Beasley, ZH Olson, N Selva, TL DeVault
Carrion ecology and management, 125-157, 2019
A genetic analysis of the Virginia opossum mating system: evidence of multiple paternity in a highly fragmented landscape
JC Beasley, WS Beatty, ZH Olson, OE Rhodes Jr
Journal of Heredity 101 (3), 368-373, 2010
Seasonal variation in latrine site visitation and scent marking by Nearctic river otters (Lontra canadensis).
ZH Olson, TL Serfass, OE Rhodes Jr
IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 25 (2), 2008
Evaluation of experimental genetic management in reintroduced bighorn sheep
ZH Olson, DG Whittaker, OE Rhodes Jr
Ecology and Evolution 2 (2), 429-443, 2012
Survival of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus): Investigating Individual, Environmental, and Ecological Effects
ZH Olson, BJ MacGowan, MT Hamilton, AFT Currylow, RN Williams
Herpetologica 71 (4), 274-279, 2015
Impacts of generalist mesopredators on the demography of small-mammal populations in fragmented landscapes
TS Eagan, JC Beasley, ZH Olson, OE Rhodes Jr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 89 (8), 724-731, 2011
Limitations of eDNA analysis for Carcinus maenas abundance estimations
A Danziger, ZH Olson, M Frederich
BMC Ecology and Evolution 22 (14), 2022
Do juvenile Nearctic River Otters (Lontra canadensis) contribute to fall scent marking?
ZH Olson, SS Stevens, TL Serfass
The Canadian Field-Naturalist 119 (3), 459-461, 2005
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