Vickie C. Bennett
Vickie C. Bennett
Professor, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
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Proterozoic crustal history of the western United States as determined by neodymium isotopic mapping
VC Bennett, DJ DePaolo
Geological Society of America Bulletin 99 (5), 674-685, 1987
Rapid emergence of life shown by discovery of 3,700-million-year-old microbial structures
AP Nutman, VC Bennett, CRL Friend, M Van Kranendonk, A Chivas
Nature 537, 535–538 doi:10.1038/nature19355, 2016
The Itsaq Gneiss Complex of southern West Greenland; the world's most extensive record of early crustal evolution (3900-3600 Ma)
AP Nutman, VR McGregor, CRL Friend, VC Bennett, PD Kinny
Precambrian Research 78 (1-3), 1-39, 1996
Progressive growth of the Earth's continental crust and depleted mantle: geochemical constraints
MT McCulloch, VC Bennett
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (21), 4717-4738, 1994
Iron isotopes may reveal the redox conditions of mantle melting from Archean to Present
N Dauphas, PR Craddock, PD Asimow, VC Bennett, AP Nutman, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 288 (1-2), 255-267, 2009
Nd isotopic evidence for transient, highly depleted mantle reservoirs in the early history of the Earth
VC Bennett, AP Nutman, MT McCulloch
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 119 (3), 299-317, 1993
Coupled 142Nd-143Nd isotopic evidence for Hadean mantle dynamics
VC Bennett, AD Brandon, AP Nutman
Science 318 (5858), 1907-1910, 2007
SHRIMP zircon ages constraining the depositional chronology of the Hamersley Group, Western Australia
AF Trendall, W Compston, DR Nelson, JR De Laeter, VC Bennett
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 51 (5), 621-644, 2004
The persistence of off-cratonic lithospheric mantle: Os isotopic systematics of variably metasomatised southeast Australian xenoliths
MR Handler, VC Bennett, TM Esat
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 151 (1-2), 61-75, 1997
Meta-igneous (non-gneissic) tonalites and quartz-diorites from an extensive ca. 3800 Ma terrain south of the Isua supracrustal belt, southern West Greenland: constraints on …
AP Nutman, VC Bennett, CRL Friend, MD Norman
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 137, 364-388, 1999
∼ 3710 and⪖ 3790 Ma volcanic sequences in the Isua (Greenland) supracrustal belt; structural and Nd isotope implications
AP Nutman, VC Bennett, CRL Friend, MT Rosing
Chemical Geology 141 (3-4), 271-287, 1997
Magnesium stable isotope composition of Earth's upper mantle
MR Handler, JA Baker, M Schiller, VC Bennett, GM Yaxley
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 282 (1-4), 306-313, 2009
In situ U–Pb, O and Hf isotopic compositions of zircon and olivine from Eoarchaean rocks, West Greenland: new insights to making old crust
J Hiess, VC Bennett, AP Nutman, IS Williams
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (15), 4489-4516, 2009
Evidence for 3650–3600 Ma assembly of the northern end of the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, Greenland: implication for early Archaean tectonics
AP Nutman, CRL Friend, VC Bennett
Tectonics 21 (1), 5-1-5-28, 2002
Behaviour of platinum-group elements in the subcontinental mantle of eastern Australia during variable metasomatism and melt depletion
MR Handler, VC Bennett
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (21), 3597-3618, 1999
Enhanced mantle-to-crust rhenium transfer in undegassed arc magmas
W Sun, VC Bennett, SM Eggins, VS Kamenetsky, RJ Arculus
Nature 422 (6929), 294-297, 2003
Rhenium systematics in submarine MORB and back-arc basin glasses: laser ablation ICP-MS results
W Sun, VC Bennett, SM Eggins, RJ Arculus, MR Perfit
Chemical Geology 196 (1-4), 259-281, 2003
Evidence for subduction at 3.8 Ga: geochemistry of arc-like metabasalts from the southern edge of the Isua Supracrustal Belt
FE Jenner, VC Bennett, AP Nutman, CRL Friend, MD Norman, G Yaxley
Chemical Geology 261 (1-2), 83-98, 2009
Rhenium and platinum group element abundances correlated with mantle source components in Hawaiian picrites: sulphides in the plume
VC Bennett, MD Norman, MO Garcia
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 183 (3-4), 513-526, 2000
U–Pb evidence of∼ 1.7 Ga crustal tectonism during the Nimrod Orogeny in the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: implications for Proterozoic plate reconstructions
JW Goodge, CM Fanning, VC Bennett
Precambrian Research 112 (3-4), 261-288, 2001
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