Roberto Romani
Roberto Romani
Department of Agricultural, Food and Envioronmental Sciences - Perugia University
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Host location and oviposition in a basal group of parasitic wasps: the subgenual organ, ovipositor apparatus and associated structures in the Orussidae (Hymenoptera, Insecta)
L Vilhelmsen, N Isidoro, R Romani, HH Basibuyuk, DLJ Quicke
Zoomorphology 121, 63-84, 2001
Functional anatomy of sensory structures on the antennae of Psylliodes chrysocephala L.(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
E Bartlet, R Romani, IH Williams, N Isidoro
International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 28 (4), 291-300, 1999
Ultrastructure and physiology of the CO2 sensitive sensillum ampullaceum in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens
C Kleineidam, R Romani, J Tautz, N Isidoro
Arthropod Structure & Development 29 (1), 43-55, 2000
The thermo-sensitive sensilla coeloconica of leaf-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri)
M Ruchty, R Romani, LS Kuebler, S Ruschioni, F Roces, N Isidoro, ...
Arthropod Structure & Development 38 (3), 195-205, 2009
Cockchafer larvae smell host root scents in soil
S Weissteiner, W Huetteroth, M Kollmann, B Weißbecker, R Romani, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e45827, 2012
Antennal multiporous sensilla: their gustatory features for host recognition in female parasitic wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea)
N Isidoro, R Romani, F Bin
Microscopy Research and Technique 55 (5), 350-358, 2001
Functional structure of antennal sensilla in the myrmecophilous beetle Paussus favieri (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini)
A Di Giulio, E Maurizi, MVR Stacconi, R Romani
Micron 43 (6), 705-719, 2012
Tyloids in Pimpla turionellae (L.) are release structures of male antennal glands involved in courtship behaviour (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
F Bin, F Wäckers, R Romani, N Isidoro
International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 28 (1-2), 61-68, 1999
The role of the antennae during courtship behaviour in the parasitic wasp Trichopria drosophilae
R Romani, MC Rosi, N Isidoro, F Bin
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (15), 2486-2491, 2008
Diversity and function of male antennal glands in Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera)
N Isidoro, F Bin, R Romani
Zoologica Scripta 28 (1‐2), 165-174, 1999
The sensory structures of the antennal flagellum in Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae): A functional reduction?
R Romani, MVR Stacconi, P Riolo, N Isidoro
Arthropod Structure & Development 38 (6), 473-483, 2009
Structure and electrophysiological responses of gustatory organs on the ovipositor of the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma
JC van Lenteren, S Ruschioni, R Romani, JJA van Loon, YT Qiu, ...
Arthropod Structure & Development 36 (3), 271-276, 2007
A new role for antennation in paper wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae): antennal courtship and sex dimorphic glands in antennomeres
R Romani, N Isidoro, P Riolo, F Bin, A Fortunato, S Turillazzi, L Beani
Insectes Sociaux 52, 96-102, 2005
Mating behaviour of Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): the role of antennae
D Battaglia, N Isidoro, R Romani, F Bin, F Pennacchio
European Journal of Entomology 99 (4), 451-456, 2002
Antennal structures used in communication by egg parasitoids
R Romani, N Isidoro, F Bin
Egg parasitoids in agroecosystems with emphasis on trichogramma, 57-96, 2010
Oviposition behaviour in Lygus rugulipennis: a morpho‐functional study
R Romani, G Salerno, F Frati, E Conti, N Isidoro, F Bin
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 115 (1), 17-25, 2005
Perception of Host Plant Volatiles in Hyalesthes obsoletus: Behavior, Morphology, and Electrophysiology
P Riolo, RL Minuz, G Anfora, MVR Stacconi, S Carlin, N Isidoro, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 38, 1017-1030, 2012
Fine structure of antennal sensilla of Paysandisia archon and electrophysiological responses to volatile compounds associated with host palms
S Ruschioni, P Riolo, E Verdolini, E Peri, S Guarino, S Colazza, ...
PloS one 10 (4), e0124607, 2015
Antennal glands in male bees: structures for sexual communication by pheromones?
R Romani, N Isidoro, P Riolo, F Bin
Apidologie 34 (6), 603-610, 2003
Anatomy of the antennal dorsal organ in female of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae): A peculiar sensory structure possibly involved in perception …
P Riolo, N Isidoro, S Ruschioni, RL Minuz, F Bin, R Romani
Journal of Morphology 277 (1), 128-137, 2016
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