Misha Pavel
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
Mobile health technology evaluation: the mHealth evidence workshop
S Kumar, WJ Nilsen, A Abernethy, A Atienza, K Patrick, M Pavel, WT Riley, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 45 (2), 228-236, 2013
An open, large-scale, collaborative effort to estimate the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Perspectives on psychological science 7 (6), 657-660, 2012
The psychophysics of visual search
J Palmer, P Verghese, M Pavel
Vision research 40 (10-12), 1227-1268, 2000
Accuracy and robustness of Kinect pose estimation in the context of coaching of elderly population
Š Obdržálek, G Kurillo, F Ofli, R Bajcsy, E Seto, H Jimison, M Pavel
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Intelligent systems for assessing aging changes: home-based, unobtrusive, and continuous assessment of aging
JA Kaye, SA Maxwell, N Mattek, TL Hayes, H Dodge, M Pavel, HB Jimison, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2011
Adjustment learning and relevant component analysis
N Shental, T Hertz, D Weinshall, M Pavel
Computer Vision—ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2002
A typology for visualizing uncertainty
J Thomson, E Hetzler, A MacEachren, M Gahegan, M Pavel
Visualization and Data Analysis 2005 5669, 146-157, 2005
Mobile health: Revolutionizing healthcare through transdisciplinary research
S Kumar, W Nilsen, M Pavel, M Srivastava
Computer 46 (1), 28-35, 2012
Advancing the science of mHealth
W Nilsen, S Kumar, A Shar, C Varoquiers, T Wiley, WT Riley, M Pavel, ...
Journal of health communication 17 (sup1), 5-10, 2012
Towards ASR on partially corrupted speech
H Hennansky, S Tibrewala, M Pavel
Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 1996
Unobtrusive assessment of activity patterns associated with mild cognitive impairment
TL Hayes, F Abendroth, A Adami, M Pavel, TA Zitzelberger, JA Kaye
Alzheimer's & Dementia 4 (6), 395-405, 2008
The effect of expectations on slow oculomotor control—IV. Anticipatory smooth eye movements depend on prior target motions
E Kowler, AJ Martins, M Pavel
Vision research 24 (3), 197-210, 1984
Advancing models and theories for digital behavior change interventions
EB Hekler, S Michie, M Pavel, DE Rivera, LM Collins, HB Jimison, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 51 (5), 825-832, 2016
Unobtrusive and ubiquitous in-home monitoring: A methodology for continuous assessment of gait velocity in elders
S Hagler, D Austin, TL Hayes, J Kaye, M Pavel
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 57 (4), 813-820, 2009
Building new computational models to support health behavior change and maintenance: new opportunities in behavioral research
D Spruijt-Metz, E Hekler, N Saranummi, S Intille, I Korhonen, W Nilsen, ...
Translational behavioral medicine 5 (3), 335-346, 2015
Designing and evaluating mHealth interventions for vulnerable populations: A systematic review
E Stowell, MC Lyson, H Saksono, RC Wurth, H Jimison, M Pavel, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
On the relative importance of various components of the modulation spectrum for automatic speech recognition
N Kanedera, T Arai, H Hermansky, M Pavel
Speech Communication 28 (1), 43-55, 1999
Unobtrusive measurement of daily computer use to detect mild cognitive impairment
J Kaye, N Mattek, HH Dodge, I Campbell, T Hayes, D Austin, W Hatt, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 10 (1), 10-17, 2014
Unobtrusive monitoring of computer interactions to detect cognitive status in elders
H Jimison, M Pavel, J McKanna, J Pavel
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8 (3), 248-252, 2004
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