Raghunandan M Rao
Raghunandan M Rao
Connectivity Algorithms and Software Engineer, Amazon Lab126
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LTE/LTE-A jamming, spoofing, and sniffing: threat assessment and mitigation
M Lichtman, RP Jover, M Labib, R Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (4), 54-61, 2016
5G NR jamming, spoofing, and sniffing: Threat assessment and mitigation
M Lichtman, R Rao, V Marojevic, J Reed, RP Jover
2018 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC …, 2018
3D spectrum sharing for hybrid D2D and UAV networks
B Shang, L Liu, RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (9), 5375-5389, 2020
LTE PHY layer vulnerability analysis and testing using open-source SDR tools
RM Rao, S Ha, V Marojevic, JH Reed
MILCOM 2017-2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 744-749, 2017
Adaptive pilot patterns for CA-OFDM systems in nonstationary wireless channels
RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (2), 1231-1244, 2017
Performance analysis of a mission-critical portable LTE system in targeted RF interference
V Marojevic, RM Rao, S Ha, JH Reed
2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-6, 2017
Software-Defined LTE Evolution Testbed Enabling Rapid Prototyping and Controlled Experimentation
V Marojevic, D Chheda, RM Rao, R Nealy, JM Park, JH Reed
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2017
Analysis of non-pilot interference on link adaptation and latency in cellular networks
RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring), 1-5, 2019
Underlay radar-massive MIMO spectrum sharing: Modeling fundamentals and performance analysis
RM Rao, HS Dhillon, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (11), 7213-7229, 2021
Analysis of worst-case interference in underlay radar-massive MIMO spectrum sharing scenarios
RM Rao, HS Dhillon, V Marojevic, JH Reed
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
ToA-based localization of far-away targets: Equi-DOP surfaces, asymptotic bounds, and dimension adaptation
RM Rao, AV Padaki, BL Ng, Y Yang, MS Kang, V Marojevic
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (10), 11089-11094, 2021
Semi-blind post-equalizer SINR estimation and dual CSI feedback for radar-cellular coexistence
RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (9), 9720-9735, 2020
Rate-maximizing OFDM pilot patterns for UAV communications in nonstationary A2G channels
RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-5, 2018
Probability of pilot interference in pulsed radar-cellular coexistence: Fundamental insights on demodulation and limited CSI feedback
RM Rao, V Marojevic, JH Reed
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (8), 1678-1682, 2020
Joint Estimation of Respiratory and Heart Rates using Ultra-Wideband Radar
JS Hoang Viet Nguyen, Raghunandan M. Rao, Yuming Zhu, Yi Yang
US Patent 2022/0373646A1, 2022
Measuring Hardware Impairments with Software-Defined Radios
V Marojevic, AV Padaki, RM Rao, JH Reed
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-6, 2018
Perspectives of Jamming, Mitigation and Pattern Adaptation of OFDM Pilot Signals for the Evolution of Wireless Networks
RM Rao
Virginia Tech, 2016
Iterative RNDOP-Optimal Anchor Placement for Beyond Convex Hull ToA-based Localization: Performance Bounds and Heuristic Algorithms
RM Rao, DR Emenonye
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024
Method and apparatus for localization
AV Padaki, BL Ng, C Saha, RM Rao, Y Yang, K Moonseok
US Patent 11,343,646, 2022
Enhancing Throughput Using Agile Beam Switching and User Scheduling in Cellular Systems
RM Rao, D Bethanabhotla, RC Palat
2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), 1-7, 2019
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