Lawrence E. Gilbert
Lawrence E. Gilbert
Professor Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin
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Butterfly genome reveals promiscuous exchange of mimicry adaptations among species
Nature 487 (7405), 94-98, 2012
Male contribution to egg production in butterflies: evidence for transfer of nutrients at mating
CL Boggs, LE Gilbert
Science 206 (4414), 83-84, 1979
Food web organization and the conservation of neotropical diversity
LE Gilbert
Conservation Biology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts, 1980
Pollen Feeding and Reproductive Biology of Heliconius Butterflies
LE Gilbert
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 69 (6), 1403-1407, 1972
Ecological consequences of a coevolved mutualism between butterflies and plants
LE Gilbert
Coevolution of animals and plants, 210-240, 1975
Coevolution of plants and herbivores: passion flower butterflies
WW Benson, KS Brown Jr, LE Gilbert
Evolution, 659-680, 1975
Butterfly ecology
LE Gilbert, MC Singer
Annual review of ecology and systematics, 365-397, 1975
Linkage of butterfly mate preference and wing color preference cue at the genomic location of wingless
MR Kronforst, LG Young, DD Kapan, C McNeely, RJ O'Neill, LE Gilbert
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (17), 6575-6580, 2006
Coevolution of Animals and Plants: Symposium V, First International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, 1973
LE Gilbert, PH Raven
University of Texas Press, 1975
Why are there so many mimicry rings? Correlations between habitat, behaviour and mimicry in Heliconius butterflies
J Mallet, LE Gilbert Jr
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 55 (2), 159-180, 1995
Ovarian dynamics in heliconiine butterflies: programmed senescence versus eternal youth
H Dunlap-Pianka, CL Boggs, LE Gilbert
Science 197 (4302), 487-490, 1977
Population structure and dynamics of the tropical butterfly Heliconius ethilla
PR Ehrlich, LE Gilbert
Biotropica, 69-82, 1973
Checkerspot Butterflies: A Historical Perspective: Long-term studies of Euphydryas butterffies have revealed much about the biology of natural populations.
PR Ehrlich, RR White, MC Singer, SW McKechnie, LE Gilbert
Science 188 (4185), 221-228, 1975
Postmating female odor in Heliconius butterflies: a male-contributed antiaphrodisiac?
LE Gilbert
Science 193 (4251), 419-420, 1976
Invasion of red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): microgeography of competitive replacement
SD Porter, B Van Eimeren, LE Gilbert
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 81 (6), 913-918, 1988
Butterfly-Plant Coevolution: Has Passiflora adenopoda Won the Selectional Race with Heliconiine Butterflies?
LE Gilbert
Science 172 (3983), 585-586, 1971
Insects as selective agents on plant vegetative morphology: egg mimicry reduces egg laying by butterflies
KS Williams, LE Gilbert
Science 212 (4493), 467-469, 1981
Phylogenetic relationships and chromosome number evolution in Passiflora
AK Hansen, LE Gilbert, BB Simpson, SR Downie, AC Cervi, RK Jansen
Systematic Botany 31 (1), 138-150, 2006
Polymorphic butterfly reveals the missing link in ecological speciation
NL Chamberlain, RI Hill, DD Kapan, LE Gilbert, MR Kronforst
Science 326 (5954), 847-850, 2009
Dispersal and gene flow in a butterfly species
LE Gilbert, MC Singer
The American Naturalist 107 (953), 58-72, 1973
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