Hořínek D
Hořínek D
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Motol
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Long-term outcomes after nonlesional extratemporal lobe epilepsy surgery
K Noe, V Sulc, L Wong-Kisiel, E Wirrell, JJ Van Gompel, N Wetjen, ...
JAMA neurology 70 (8), 1003-1008, 2013
Spatial navigation impairment is proportional to right hippocampal volume
Z Nedelska, R Andel, J Laczó, K Vlcek, D Horinek, J Lisy, K Sheardova, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2590-2594, 2012
Magnetic resonance analysis of amygdalar volume in Alzheimer's disease
D Horínek, A Varjassyová, J Hort
Current opinion in psychiatry 20 (3), 273-277, 2007
Volumetry of the human amygdala—an anatomical study
J Brabec, A Rulseh, B Hoyt, M Vizek, D Horinek, J Hort, P Petrovicky
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 182 (1), 67-72, 2010
Craniofacial abnormalities and their relevance for sleep apnoea syndrome aetiopathogenesis in acromegaly
S Dostalova, K Sonka, Z Smahel, V Weiss, J Marek, D Horinek
European journal of endocrinology 144 (5), 491-497, 2001
Cortical and subcortical atrophy in Alzheimer disease: parallel atrophy of thalamus and hippocampus
I Štepán-Buksakowska, N Szabó, D Horínek, E Tóth, J Hort, J Warner, ...
Alzheimer disease & associated disorders 28 (1), 65-72, 2014
Statistical SPECT processing in MRI-negative epilepsy surgery
V Sulc, S Stykel, DP Hanson, BH Brinkmann, DT Jones, DR Holmes III, ...
Neurology 82 (11), 932-939, 2014
Amygdalar volume and psychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease: an MRI analysis
D Horinek, P Petrovický, J Hort, J Krásenský, J Brabec, M Bojar, ...
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 113 (1), 40-45, 2006
The MRI volumetry of the posterior fossa and its substructures in trigeminal neuralgia: a validated study
D Hořínek, V Brezova, C Nimsky, T Belšan, L Martinkovič, V Masopust, ...
Acta neurochirurgica 151, 669-675, 2009
Seizures in sleep apnea patients: occurrence and time distribution.
K Sonka, M Juklickova, M Pretl, S Dostalova, D Horinek, S Nevsímalová
Sbornik Lekarsky 101 (3), 229-232, 2000
A quantitative symmetry‐based analysis of hyperacute ischemic stroke lesions in noncontrast computed tomography
R Peter, P Korfiatis, D Blezek, A Oscar Beitia, I Stepan‐Buksakowska, ...
Medical physics 44 (1), 192-199, 2017
Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in MR Images.
D Zukic, A Vlasák, T Dukatz, J Egger, D Horínek, C Nimsky, A Kolb
VMV, 135-142, 2012
Volume of the amygdala is reduced in patients with narcolepsy–a structural MRI study
J Brabec, A Rulseh, D Horinek, A Pala, H Guerreiro, J Buskova, ...
Neuroendocrinology Letters 32 (5), 652-6, 2011
Current methods in the treatment of posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus in infants
D Horinek, M Cihar, M Tichy
Bratislavske lekarske listy 104 (11), 347-351, 2003
The epidural steroids in the prevention of epidural fibrosis: MRI and clinical findings
M Hackel, V Masopust, M Bojar, Y Ghaly, D Horinek
Neuroendocrinol Lett 30 (1), 51-5, 2009
Recognition of anaplastic foci within low-grade gliomas using MR spectroscopy
O Bradac, J Vrana, F Jiru, F Kramar, D Netuka, P Hrabal, D Horinek, ...
British Journal of Neurosurgery 28 (5), 631-636, 2014
Neurosonological examination: a non-invasive approach for the detection of cerebrovascular impairment in AD
B Urbanova, A Tomek, R Mikulik, H Magerova, D Horinek, J Hort
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8, 4, 2014
Pediatric ventriculoperitoneal shunts revision rate and costs in high-volume sub-saharan department
A Vlasak, H Okechi, D Horinek, AL Albright
World Neurosurgery 130, e1000-e1003, 2019
Lumbar pressure and transcranial Doppler sonography in children with scaphocephaly
D Hořínek, D Hoza, A Tomek, J Hort, M Häckel, M Tichý
British Journal of Neurosurgery 22 (2), 219-223, 2008
Bobble-head doll syndrome: therapeutic outcome and long-term follow-up in four children
H Guerreiro, A Vlasak, D Horinek, M Tichy, J Lisy, P Vanek, P Liby, ...
Acta neurochirurgica 154, 2043-2049, 2012
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