Valerie Eviner
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Consequences of changing biodiversity
FS Chapin Iii, ES Zavaleta, VT Eviner, RL Naylor, PM Vitousek, ...
Nature 405 (6783), 234-242, 2000
Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide
WK Cornwell, JHC Cornelissen, K Amatangelo, E Dorrepaal, VT Eviner, ...
Ecology letters 11 (10), 1065-1071, 2008
Understanding the long-term effects of species invasions
DL Strayer, VT Eviner, JM Jeschke, ML Pace
Trends in ecology & evolution 21 (11), 645-651, 2006
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin in soil aggregation: comparing effects of five plant species
MC Rillig, SF Wright, VT Eviner
Plant and soil 238, 325-333, 2002
Functional matrix: a conceptual framework for predicting multiple plant effects on ecosystem processes
VT Eviner, FS Chapin III
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34 (1), 455-485, 2003
Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is?
RJ Standish, RJ Hobbs, MM Mayfield, BT Bestelmeyer, KN Suding, ...
Biological conservation 177, 43-51, 2014
Integrating microbial ecology into ecosystem models: challenges and priorities
KK Treseder, TC Balser, MA Bradford, EL Brodie, EA Dubinsky, VT Eviner, ...
Biogeochemistry 109, 7-18, 2012
Infectious disease ecology: effects of ecosystems on disease and of disease on ecosystems
RS Ostfeld, F Keesing, VT Eviner
Princeton University Press, 2010
others (2000) Consequences of changing biodiversity
FS Chapin III, ES Zavaleta, VT Eviner, RL Naylor, PM Vitousek, ...
Nature 405 (6783), 234-242, 8
c-Myc induces apoptosis in epithelial cells by both p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms
D Sakamuro, V Eviner, KJ Elliott, L Showe, E White, GC Prendergast
Oncogene 11 (11), 2411-2418, 1995
Embracing variability in the application of plant–soil interactions to the restoration of communities and ecosystems
VT Eviner, CV Hawkes
Restoration Ecology 16 (4), 713-729, 2008
Plant traits that influence ecosystem processes vary independently among species
VT Eviner
Ecology 85 (8), 2215-2229, 2004
Ways forward for resilience research in agroecosystems
CA Peterson, VT Eviner, ACM Gaudin
Agricultural Systems 162, 19-27, 2018
Activated H-ras rescues E1A-induced apoptosis and cooperates with E1A to overcome p53-dependent growth arrest
HJL Lin, V Eviner, GC Prendergast, E White
Molecular and cellular biology, 1995
Measuring the effects of invasive plants on ecosystem services: challenges and prospects
VT Eviner, K Garbach, JH Baty, SA Hoskinson
Invasive Plant Science and Management 5 (1), 125-136, 2012
Increasing flexibility in rangeland management during drought
E Kachergis, JD Derner, BB Cutts, LM Roche, VT Eviner, MN Lubell, ...
Ecosphere 5 (6), 1-14, 2014
Sustaining working rangelands: insights from rancher decision making
LM Roche, TK Schohr, JD Derner, MN Lubell, BB Cutts, E Kachergis, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 68 (5), 383-389, 2015
Soil carbon pools in California’s annual grassland ecosystems
WL Silver, R Ryals, V Eviner
Rangeland Ecology & Management 63 (1), 128-136, 2010
The temporal development and additivity of plant-soil feedback in perennial grasses
CV Hawkes, SN Kivlin, J Du, VT Eviner
Plant and Soil 369, 141-150, 2013
Seasonal variations in plant species effects on soil N and P dynamics
VT Eviner, FS Chapin, III, CE Vaughn
Ecology 87 (4), 974-986, 2006
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