Seungjoon Lee
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Network function virtualization: Challenges and opportunities for innovations
B Han, V Gopalakrishnan, L Ji, S Lee
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (2), 90-97, 2015
Cooperative peer groups in NICE
S Lee, R Sherwood, B Bhattacharjee
INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2003
Efficient geographic routing in multihop wireless networks
S Lee, B Bhattacharjee, S Banerjee
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2005
Optimal content placement for a large-scale VoD system
D Applegate, A Archer, V Gopalakrishnan, S Lee, KK Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 6th International COnference, 4, 2010
Resilient multicast using overlays
S Banerjee, S Lee, B Bhattacharjee, A Srinivasan
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31 (1), 102-113, 2003
Multi-Autonomous System Anycast Content Delivery Network
O Spatscheck, Z Al-Qudah, S Lee, M Rabinovich, J Van der Merwe
US Patent App. 12/645,000, 2009
Neighbor supporting ad hoc multicast routing protocol
S Lee, C Kim
Mobile and Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, 2000. MobiHOC. 2000 First Annual …, 2000
Robust routing in wireless ad hoc networks
S Lee, B Han, M Shin
Parallel Processing Workshops, 2002. Proceedings. International Conference …, 2002
Modeling channel popularity dynamics in a large IPTV system
T Qiu, Z Ge, S Lee, J Wang, Q Zhao, J Xu
Proceedings of the eleventh international joint conference on Measurement …, 2009
Distribution of path durations in mobile ad-hoc networks—Palm’s Theorem to the rescue
Y Han, RJ La, AM Makowski, S Lee
Computer Networks 50 (12), 1887-1900, 2006
Modeling user activities in a large IPTV system
T Qiu, Z Ge, S Lee, J Wang, J Xu, Q Zhao
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement …, 2009
The case for a multi-hop wireless local area network
S Lee, S Banerjee, B Bhattacharjee
INFOCOM 2004. Twenty-third AnnualJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2004
Distributed channel assignment for multi-radio wireless networks
M Shin, S Lee, Y Kim
Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2006 IEEE International Conference …, 2006
Maranello: practical partial packet recovery for 802.11
B Han, A Schulman, F Gringoli, N Spring, B Bhattacharjee, L Nava, L Ji, ...
Proceedings of the 7th USENIX conference on Networked systems design and …, 2010
Cooperative peer groups in NICE
R Sherwood, S Lee, B Bhattacharjee
Computer Networks 50 (4), 523-544, 2006
Approximation algorithms for data broadcast in wireless networks
R Gandhi, YA Kim, S Lee, J Ryu, PJ Wan
INFOCOM 2009, IEEE, 2681-2685, 2009
Synthesis and Characterization of Red‐Emitting Iridium (III) Complexes for Solution‐Processable Phosphorescent Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes
SJ Lee, JS Park, M Song, I Shin, YI Kim, JW Lee, JW Kang, YS Gal, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (14), 2205-2212, 2009
Towards understanding TCP performance on LTE/EPC mobile networks
B Nguyen, A Banerjee, V Gopalakrishnan, S Kasera, S Lee, A Shaikh, ...
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on All things cellular: operations …, 2014
Resilient multicast using overlays
S Banerjee, S Lee, B Bhattacharjee, A Srinivasan
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 14 (2), 237-248, 2006
Resilient multicast using overlays
A Srinivasan, S Banerjee, R Braud, S Lee, B Bhattacharjee
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 237-248, 2006
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