Luyan Sun
Luyan Sun
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Realization of three-qubit quantum error correction with superconducting circuits
MD Reed, L DiCarlo, SE Nigg, L Sun, L Frunzio, SM Girvin, RJ Schoelkopf
Nature 482 (7385), 382-385, 2012
Preparation and measurement of three-qubit entanglement in a superconducting circuit
L DiCarlo, MD Reed, L Sun, BR Johnson, JM Chow, JM Gambetta, ...
Nature 467 (7315), 574-578, 2010
High-Fidelity Readout in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Using<? format?> the Jaynes-Cummings Nonlinearity
MD Reed, L DiCarlo, BR Johnson, L Sun, DI Schuster, L Frunzio, ...
Physical review letters 105 (17), 173601, 2010
Quantum error correction and universal gate set on a binomial bosonic logical qubit
L Hu, Y Ma, W Cai, X Mu, Y Xu, W Wang, Y Wu, H Wang, Y Song, C Zou, ...
Nature Physics 15, 503-508, 2019
Tracking Photon Jumps with Repeated Quantum Non-Demolition Parity Measurements
L Sun, A Petrenko, Z Leghtas, B Vlastakis, G Kirchmair, KM Sliwa, A Narla, ...
Nature 511, 444 (2014), 2013
Reaching 10 ms single photon lifetimes for superconducting aluminum cavities
M Reagor, H Paik, G Catelani, L Sun, C Axline, E Holland, IM Pop, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (19), 2013
Bosonic quantum error correction codes in superconducting quantum circuits
W Cai, Y Ma, W Wang, CL Zou, L Sun
Fundamental Research 1, 50-67 (2021), 2020
Photon shot noise dephasing in the strong-dispersive limit of circuit QED
AP Sears, A Petrenko, G Catelani, L Sun, H Paik, G Kirchmair, L Frunzio, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (18), 180504, 2012
Perfect quantum state transfer in a superconducting qubit chain with parametrically tunable couplings
X Li, Y Ma, J Han, T Chen, Y Xu, W Cai, H Wang, YP Song, ZY Xue, Z Yin, ...
Physical Review Applied 10 (5), 054009, 2018
Quantum generative adversarial learning in a superconducting quantum circuit
L Hu, SH Wu, W Cai, Y Ma, X Mu, Y Xu, H Wang, Y Song, DL Deng, ...
Science advances 5 (1), eaav2761, 2019
Single-loop realization of arbitrary nonadiabatic holonomic single-qubit quantum gates in a superconducting circuit
Y Xu, W Cai, Y Ma, X Mu, L Hu, T Chen, H Wang, YP Song, ZY Xue, Z Yin, ...
Physical review letters 121 (11), 110501, 2018
Measurements of quasiparticle tunneling dynamics in a band-gap-engineered transmon qubit
L Sun, L DiCarlo, MD Reed, G Catelani, LS Bishop, DI Schuster, ...
Physical review letters 108 (23), 230509, 2012
Beating the break-even point with a discrete-variable-encoded logical qubit
Z Ni, S Li, X Deng, Y Cai, L Zhang, W Wang, ZB Yang, H Yu, F Yan, S Liu, ...
Nature 616 (7955), 56-60, 2023
Tunable coupler for realizing a controlled-phase gate with dynamically decoupled regime in a superconducting circuit
X Li, T Cai, H Yan, Z Wang, X Pan, Y Ma, W Cai, J Han, Z Hua, X Han, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024070, 2020
Experimental implementation of universal nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates in a superconducting circuit
Y Xu, Z Hua, T Chen, X Pan, X Li, J Han, W Cai, Y Ma, H Wang, YP Song, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (23), 230503, 2020
Observation of Topological Magnon Insulator States in a Superconducting Circuit
W Cai, J Han, F Mei, Y Xu, Y Ma, X Li, H Wang, Y Song, ZY Xue, Z Yin, ...
Physical Review Letters 123, 080501, 2019
Error-transparent operations on a logical qubit protected by quantum error correction
Y Ma, Y Xu, X Mu, W Cai, L Hu, W Wang, X Pan, H Wang, YP Song, ...
Nature Physics 16, 827-831, 2020
The experimental realization of high-fidelity 'shortcut-to-adiabaticity' quantum gates in a superconducting Xmon qubit
T Wang, Z Zhang, L Xiang, Z Jia, P Duan, W Cai, Z Gong, Z Zong, M Wu, ...
New Journal of Physics 20, 065003, 2018
Heisenberg-limited single-mode quantum metrology in a superconducting circuit
W Wang, Y Wu, Y Ma, W Cai, L Hu, X Mu, Y Xu, ZJ Chen, H Wang, ...
Nature communications 10, 4382, 2019
Characterizing entanglement of an artificial atom and a cavity cat state with Bell’s inequality
B Vlastakis, A Petrenko, N Ofek, L Sun, Z Leghtas, K Sliwa, Y Liu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8970, 2015
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