R Allan Reese
R Allan Reese
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Investigation of mortality in Pacific oysters associated with Ostreid herpesvirus-1 μVar in the Republic of Ireland in 2009
EJ Peeler, RA Reese, DL Cheslett, F Geoghegan, A Power, MA Thrush
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 105 (1-2), 136-143, 2012
Emergence of cold water strawberry disease of rainbow trout Oncorynchus mykiss in England and Wales: outbreak investigations and transmission studies
DW Verner-Jeffreys, MJ Pond, EJ Peeler, GSE Rimmer, B Oidtmann, ...
Diseases of aquatic organisms 79 (3), 207-218, 2008
Studies of dormancy in sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum
JR Coley‐Smith, D Parfitt, IM Taylor, RA Reese
Plant Pathology 36 (4), 594-599, 1987
Comparison of the resistance of selected families of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., to koi herpesvirus: preliminary study.
PF Dixon, CL Joiner, K Way, RA Reese, G Jeney, Z Jeney
Journal of Fish Diseases 32 (12), 2009
Evidence for estrogenic endocrine disruption in an offshore flatfish, the dab (Limanda limanda L.)
AP Scott, M Sanders, GD Stentiford, RA Reese, I Katsiadaki
Marine environmental research 64 (2), 128-148, 2007
Animal disease import risk analysis–a review of current methods and practice
EJ Peeler, RA Reese, MA Thrush
Transboundary and emerging diseases 62 (5), 480-490, 2015
Comparative susceptibility of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout to Yersinia ruckeri: relationship to O antigen serotype and resistance to serum killing
SJ Haig, RL Davies, TJ Welch, RA Reese, DW Verner-Jeffreys
Veterinary Microbiology 147 (1-2), 155-161, 2011
Expert consultation on risk factors for introduction of infectious pathogens into fish farms
BC Oidtmann, EJ Peeler, MA Thrush, AR Cameron, RA Reese, ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 115 (3-4), 238-254, 2014
Constructing indices to detect temporal trends in discarding
TL Catchpole, R Enever, DL Maxwell, MJ Armstrong, A Reese, AS Revill
Fisheries Research 107 (1-3), 94-99, 2011
Development of bactericidal and virucidal testing standards for aquaculture disinfectants
DW Verner–Jeffreys, CL Joiner, NJ Bagwell, RA Reese, A Husby, ...
Aquaculture 286 (3-4), 190-197, 2009
Assessing the Effects of Banana Pingers as a Bycatch Mitigation Device for Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
LCM Omeyer, PD Doherty, S Dolman, R Enever, A Reese, N Tregenza, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 285, 2020
Mapping fishing effort: Combining fishermen’s knowledge with satellite monitoring data in English waters
R Enever, S Lewin, A Reese, T Hooper
Fisheries Research 189, 67-76, 2017
Viral load of various tissues of rainbow trout challenged with viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus at various stages of disease
B Oidtmann, C Joiner, D Stone, M Dodge, RA Reese, P Dixon
Diseases of aquatic organisms 93 (2), 93-104, 2011
Does significance matter?
RA Reese
Significance 1 (1), 39-40, 2004
Assessment of fitness for purpose of an insect bioassay using the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria L.) for the detection of paralytic shellfish toxins in shellfish flesh
AC Cook, S Morris, RA Reese, SN Irving
Toxicon 48 (6), 662-671, 2006
Comparison of Escherichia coli levels between bivalve mollusc species across harvesting sites in England and Wales
AD Younger, RA Reese
Journal of Shellfish Research 32 (2), 527-532, 2013
Differential stimulation of germination of sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum by cultivars of onion and its effect on white rot disease
Plant pathology 36 (3), 246-257, 1987
The human body retention time of environmental organically bound tritium
J Hunt, T Bailey, A Reese
Journal of Radiological Protection 29 (1), 23, 2009
Model for ranking freshwater fish farms according to their risk of infection and illustration for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia
BC Oidtmann, FM Pearce, MA Thrush, EJ Peeler, C Ceolin, KDC Stärk, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 115 (3-4), 263-279, 2014
Relating the bivalve shellfish harvesting area classification criteria in the United States and European Union programmes
RJ Lee, RA Reese
Journal of water and health 12 (2), 280-287, 2014
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