Brandon Turner
Cited by
Cited by
A tutorial on approximate Bayesian computation
BM Turner, T Van Zandt
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 56 (2), 69-85, 2012
A method for efficiently sampling from distributions with correlated dimensions.
BM Turner, PB Sederberg, SD Brown, M Steyvers
Psychological methods 18 (3), 368, 2013
Cognitive and neural bases of multi-attribute, multi-alternative, value-based decisions
JR Busemeyer, S Gluth, J Rieskamp, BM Turner
Trends in cognitive sciences 23 (3), 251-263, 2019
When the brain takes a break: A model-based analysis of mind wandering
M Mittner, W Boekel, AM Tucker, BM Turner, A Heathcote, BU Forstmann
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (49), 16286-16295, 2014
A Bayesian framework for simultaneously modeling neural and behavioral data
BM Turner, BU Forstmann, EJ Wagenmakers, SD Brown, PB Sederberg, ...
NeuroImage 72, 193-206, 2013
Approaches to analysis in model-based cognitive neuroscience
BM Turner, BU Forstmann, BC Love, TJ Palmeri, L Van Maanen
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 76, 65-79, 2017
A generalized, likelihood-free method for posterior estimation
BM Turner, PB Sederberg
Psychonomic bulletin & review 21, 227-250, 2014
Informing cognitive abstractions through neuroimaging: the neural drift diffusion model.
BM Turner, L Van Maanen, BU Forstmann
Psychological review 122 (2), 312, 2015
The maximization inventory
BM Turner, HB Rim, NE Betz, TE Nygren
Judgment and Decision making 7 (1), 48-60, 2012
Why more is better: Simultaneous modeling of EEG, fMRI, and behavioral data
BM Turner, CA Rodriguez, TM Norcia, SM McClure, M Steyvers
NeuroImage 128, 96-115, 2016
Competing theories of multialternative, multiattribute preferential choice.
BM Turner, DR Schley, C Muller, K Tsetsos
Psychological review 125 (3), 329, 2018
Approximate Bayesian computation with differential evolution
BM Turner, PB Sederberg
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 56 (5), 375-385, 2012
Hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation
BM Turner, T Van Zandt
Psychometrika 79, 185-209, 2014
A dynamic stimulus-driven model of signal detection.
BM Turner, T Van Zandt, S Brown
Psychological review 118 (4), 583, 2011
Intertemporal choice as discounted value accumulation
CA Rodriguez, BM Turner, SM McClure
PloS one 9 (2), e90138, 2014
Forecast aggregation via recalibration
BM Turner, M Steyvers, EC Merkle, DV Budescu, TS Wallsten
Machine learning 95, 261-289, 2014
Parameter recovery for the leaky competing accumulator model
S Miletić, BM Turner, BU Forstmann, L van Maanen
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 76, 25-50, 2017
Studies of the dimensionality, correlates, and meaning of measures of the maximizing tendency
HB Rim, BM Turner, NE Betz, TE Nygren
Judgment and Decision making 6 (6), 565-579, 2011
Theoretically informed generative models can advance the psychological and brain sciences: Lessons from the reliability paradox
N Haines, PD Kvam, LH Irving, C Smith, TP Beauchaine, MA Pitt, WY Ahn, ...
PsyArXiv, 2020
A tutorial on joint models of neural and behavioral measures of cognition
JJ Palestro, G Bahg, PB Sederberg, ZL Lu, M Steyvers, BM Turner
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 84, 20-48, 2018
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Articles 1–20