Thanasis Petsas
Cited by
Cited by
Rage against the virtual machine: hindering dynamic analysis of android malware
T Petsas, G Voyatzis, E Athanasopoulos, M Polychronakis, S Ioannidis
Proceedings of the seventh european workshop on system security, 1-6, 2014
Two-factor authentication: is the world ready? Quantifying 2FA adoption
T Petsas, G Tsirantonakis, E Athanasopoulos, S Ioannidis
Proceedings of the eighth european workshop on system security, 1-7, 2015
Rise of the planet of the apps: A systematic study of the mobile app ecosystem
T Petsas, A Papadogiannakis, M Polychronakis, EP Markatos, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 277-290, 2013
The long-standing privacy debate: Mobile websites vs mobile apps
EP Papadopoulos, M Diamantaris, P Papadopoulos, T Petsas, ...
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, 153-162, 2017
Using social networks to harvest email addresses
I Polakis, G Kontaxis, S Antonatos, E Gessiou, T Petsas, EP Markatos
Proceedings of the 9th Annual ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic …, 2010
A systematic characterization of IM threats using honeypots
S Antonatos, I Polakis, T Petsas, EP Markatos
ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2010
Measurement, modeling, and analysis of the mobile app ecosystem
T Petsas, A Papadogiannakis, M Polychronakis, EP Markatos, ...
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems …, 2017
Powerslave: Analyzing the energy consumption of mobile antivirus software
I Polakis, M Diamantaris, T Petsas, F Maggi, S Ioannidis
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 12th …, 2015
MAD: A Middleware Framework for Multi-Step Attack Detection
P Papadopoulos, T Petsas, G Christou, G Vasiliadis
2015 4th International Workshop on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering …, 2015
A Trusted Knowledge Management System for Multi-layer Threat Analysis
T Petsas, K Okada, H Tazaki, G Blanc, P Pawliński
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 7th International Conference, TRUST 2014 …, 2014
JSMPI: Building Parallel Applications in the Browser Environment
T Petsas, E Athanasopoulos, S Ioannidis
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Articles 1–11