Nori Jacoby
Nori Jacoby
Cornell University and Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
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Universality and diversity in human song
SA Mehr, M Singh, D Knox, DM Ketter, D Pickens-Jones, S Atwood, ...
Science 366 (6468), eaax0868, 2019
Integer Ratio Priors on Musical Rhythm Revealed Cross-culturally by Iterated Reproduction
N Jacoby, JH McDermott
Current Biology 27 (3), 359-370, 2017
Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants
D Lipkind, GF Marcus, DK Bemis, K Sasahara, N Jacoby, M Takahasi, ...
Nature 498 (7452), 104-108, 2013
Cross-cultural work in music cognition: Challenges, insights, and recommendations
N Jacoby, EH Margulis, M Clayton, E Hannon, H Honing, J Iversen, ...
Music Perception 37 (3), 185-195, 2020
Universal and non-universal features of musical pitch perception revealed by singing
N Jacoby, EA Undurraga, MJ McPherson, J Valdés, T Ossandón, ...
Current Biology 29 (19), 3229-3243. e12, 2019
Rhythmic Prototypes Across Cultures: A Comparative Study of Tapping Synchronization
R Polak, N Jacoby, T Fischinger, D Goldberg, A Holzapfel, J London
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 36 (1), 1-23, 2018
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity
M Niarchou, DE Gustavson, JF Sathirapongsasuti, M Anglada-Tort, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (9), 1292-1309, 2022
Perceptual fusion of musical notes by native Amazonians suggests universal representations of musical intervals
MJ McPherson, SE Dolan, A Durango, T Ossandon, J Valdés, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2786, 2020
Categorical rhythms are shared between songbirds and humans
TC Roeske, O Tchernichovski, D Poeppel, N Jacoby
Current Biology 30 (18), 3544-3555. e6, 2020
Both isochronous and non-isochronous metrical subdivision afford precise and stable ensemble entrainment: a corpus study of malian jembe drumming
R Polak, J London, N Jacoby
Frontiers in Neuroscience 10, 285, 2016
Surprise-related activation in the nucleus accumbens interacts with music-induced pleasantness
O Shany, N Singer, BP Gold, N Jacoby, R Tarrasch, T Hendler, R Granot
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 14 (4), 459-470, 2019
Rhythm histograms and musical meter: A corpus study of Malian percussion music
J London, R Polak, N Jacoby
Psychonomic bulletin & review 24, 474-480, 2017
Gibbs sampling with people
P Harrison, R Marjieh, F Adolfi, P van Rijn, M Anglada-Tort, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 10659-10671, 2020
Getting aligned on representational alignment
I Sucholutsky, L Muttenthaler, A Weller, A Peng, A Bobu, B Kim, BC Love, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.13018, 2023
Sensorimotor synchronization with tempo-changing auditory sequences: Modeling temporal adaptation and anticipation
MCM van der Steen, N Jacoby, MT Fairhurst, PE Keller
Brain research 1626, 66-87, 2015
Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries
N Jacoby, R Polak, JA Grahn, DJ Cameron, KM Lee, R Godoy, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-32, 2024
Slow update of internal representations impedes synchronization in autism
G Vishne, N Jacoby, T Malinovitch, T Epstein, O Frenkel, M Ahissar
Nature communications 12 (1), 5439, 2021
Quantifying phase correction in sensorimotor synchronization: empirical comparison of three paradigms
BH Repp, PE Keller, N Jacoby
Acta psychologica 139 (2), 281-290, 2012
A computational model of implicit memory captures Dyslexics' perceptual deficits
S Jaffe-Dax, O Raviv, N Jacoby, Y Loewenstein, M Ahissar
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (35), 12116-12126, 2015
What language reveals about perception: Distilling psychophysical knowledge from large language models
R Marjieh, I Sucholutsky, P van Rijn, N Jacoby, T Griffiths
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
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